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PSI - Learn About the Procedure of Taking an Online Proctored Exam Adobe Certification & Credential Management System

Launch Your Exam

Accessing PSI

PSI dashboard is accessible through Adobe Credential Manager. To log in to PSI Dashboard, open the Adobe Credential Manager, navigate to your exam, and follow the instructions

On the PSI Services homepage you will be presented with a series of exams. The Online Exam should appear near the top adorned with a green banner. Click on Launch Exam to proceed.

A pop-up window will appear asking for confirmation before launching the exam. If you are ready to take the exam, click on the Yes, launch the exam button.

Installing Secure Browser

Upon launching your exam, you will need to complete the following steps:

  • Allow UCS access to your camera and microphone.
  • Install Secure Browser, which will require downloading the software.
  • Secure browser will launch and perform a security check to see if there are any applications that are blacklisted for that particular machine/OS .

A pop-up window will appear with the security check status. If any applications need to be closed, a Kill this Application button will appear. Click on it to continue with the exam launching process.

Identity & Room Verification

After your operating system is verified, the browser will proceed to verify your identity. To accomplish this, you will be asked for two modes of verification:

  1. Provide a photo ID by taking a photo of the ID
  2. Take a Photo of Yourself

After completed you will be asked to confirm the photos submitted. Once submitted, you will be asked to share your camera and screen.

Proceed to Record Room Scan by clicking on the Start Room Scan button. Once you've scanned the room as per the instructions on the screen, proceed to accept the scan by clicking Accept.

After all the steps are completed you will be asked to confirm all the information you have submitted. Click on Confirm Check-In to proceed. At this point a proctor will review your check-in materials before releasing the exam.

Exam Launch

As soon as all your information is reviewed the proctor will release the session and the exam is launched. At this point, you must accept the Confidentiality Agreement and the exam will begin.

Keep in mind that during the exam you will have the ability to communicate with the Exam Proctor through a live chat feature.

After you end the exam you will view the Results Page. The proctor will then end the exam and you will receive the following alert: The Proctor has ended the session.

At this point, you have finished your exam and the process is complete.

Helpful Links

Need help navigating or troubleshooting your Adobe Credential Manager experience? Browse through the following links for more information.

Log In and Account Creation

How to Create an Adobe ID

How to Log in to Adobe Credential Manager

Where are my Exam History and Records?

Navigating Adobe Credential Manager

Overview of Adobe Credential Manager's Features

How to Create a Transcript

How to Share a Transcript

Where to Find Logos and eCertificates

Where to Find a Score Report

How to Publish Digital Badges

Exam Registration

PSI - How to register for an Exam at a Testing Center

PSI- How to Register for an Online Proctored Exam

PSI - Learn About the Procedure of Taking an Online Proctored Exam

PSI - Rules and Requirements of Taking an Online Proctored Exam


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