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Design Thinking the Future

From 14–16 September 2017, 900 innovation experts and creative thinkers from around the globe gathered at the “d.confestival,” which took place at Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam. Over the course of three days everything revolved around the innovation approach of Design Thinking. The international Design Thinking festival marked the 10-year anniversary of Design Thinking at HPI.

Session Reviews

In this online documentation we take you back to the inspiring atmosphere on HPI campus in summer 2017. We invite you to read interviews and session summaries discussing key themes such as the application of Design Thinking in corporations, the future of work, the future of learning, or the future of mobility.

Remember our d.confestival Safari?

On the third d.confestival day we invited all participants to a journey across the center of Berlin to explore the city’s most inspiring innovation hot spots. They explored Berlin’s top Design Thinking and innovation spaces and engaged in workshops, bar camps, interactive presentations and lively discussions.

Looking back

Visit the d.confestival 2017 website

Many thanks to our partners!


HPI School of Design Thinking / Kay Herschelmann, Anja Harnisch & Stefanie Schwerdtfeger. (The copyrights for images are held by the HPI School of Design Thinking. Images may only be used with reference to the source.)


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