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Theodore "Ted" Shields, Ph.D. Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida International University

Welcome to my (not so) professional website. My name is Dr. Ted Shields and I am an Associate Teaching Professor and Technology Liaison with the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. As you can see from my CV at the bottom of the page, I have done a bit of moving around in my academic career, but have found a permanent home at FIU. Have a look around and contact me at should you have any questions regarding FIU, any of our programs and/or online education.

At Put-In-Bay, Lake Erie, Ohio

If you are interested in online teaching and/or learning, check out my page (Online Teaching: Pedagogy, Tools and Resources) devoted to all things online education.

I am currently teaching the following courses:

Beginning in Fall 2019, I will also be teaching International Cybercrime at the graduate level for the new Master of Arts in Global Affairs program (International Criminal Justice Track).

Me and My Love Gretchen
Me and My Buddy Nitro


Theodore Shields, Ph.D.


Aug. 1996 to Jan. 2002: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology

Dissertation: Urban Lyrical Theory: An analysis of under-represented

criminological voices, degree granted: 2002

Sept. 1993 to May 1995: American University, Washington, D.C.

Master of Science in Justice

Sept. 1989 to May 1993 American University, Washington, D.C.

Bachelor of Arts in Justice, Law and Society

Summer 1992 Comparative Corrections Institute, London, England


August 2013 to Present: Florida International University, Miami, Florida

Senior Instructor and Technology Liaison, Department of Criminology

and Criminal Justice

• Responsible for course development, course instruction and service to the student body and university

• Courses Developed and Taught: Drugs and Crime, Ethics in Criminal Justice, Organized Crime, White-Collar Crime, Cybercrime, Death Penalty, Corrections

• Supervising Graduate Assistants

July 2009 to July 2013 Keiser University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Legal Studies Department

• Responsible for course development, course instruction, student advising and general administrative duties

• Courses Taught: Criminology, Introduction to Criminal Justice, Introduction to Corrections, Introduction to Juvenile Procedures, Victimology, Criminal Justice Management, Ethics in Criminal Justice, Organized Crime, White Collar and Economic Crime, Drug Control, Terrorism, Alternative Punishments, Private Security, Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

• Advisor: Alpha Phi Sigma (Criminal Justice Honor Society) and Legal Studies Club

July 2002 to June 2007: Charleston Southern University, Charleston, SC

Director/Assistant Professor, Grand Strand Criminal Justice Program

• Responsible for all academic and administrative aspects of new satellite criminal justice program

• Courses Taught: Police Systems and Practices, Judicial Systems and Practices, Prison Systems and Practices, Theories of Crime and Justice, Research Methods, Ethics in Criminal Justice (hybrid), Organized Crime (on-line), Criminal Justice and the Media (on-line), Pioneers in Criminology (on-line), Crime and Violence in the Sports World (on-line), Juvenile Justice (on-line)

Aug. 2001 to June 2002: University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Criminology Faculty

• Taught in bi-lingual environment with mostly first generation university students

• Courses: Sociological Research, Criminology

July 1999 to July 2001: The College of the Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas

Professor, Justice Studies

• Developed, along with Ethegra Symonette, the Bachelor’s in Justice Studies degree

• Taught all courses within the Justice Studies program

Aug. 1997 to May 1999: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

Teaching Associate, Associate Director of Criminology Advising

Aug. 1997 to May 1999 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

Co-Coordinator—Criminology Peer Mentoring Program

• Devised peer mentoring scheme for undergraduate criminology transfer students

• Prepared and implemented peer mentoring training manual

• Supervised undergraduate (junior and senior) peer mentors and evaluated mentoring sessions with criminology transfer students

Aug. 1996 to May 1997: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA

Graduate Assistant, Course—Criminological Research Methods

• Provided individual student instruction and advising

• Grading responsibilities


May 1995 to August 1996: National Association of Securities Dealers (NASDAQ)

Washington, D.C., Assistant Web Page Administrator

• Duties included: Development, testing, implementation, trouble-shooting, and outside correspondence for NASDAQ stock market internet site

Aug. 1994 to May 1995: Superior Court, Washington, D.C.

Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Multi-Door Division

• Duties included: Training potential mediators, reviewing civil case files, assigning cases to neutrals/mediators, monitoring courtroom mediations, and general administrative tasks


Shields, Theodore (2008). Carmelo Anthony, Great Athletes, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2008). Roberto Baggio, Great Athletes, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2008). Roberto Carolos, Great Athletes, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2008). Sven Davidson, Great Athletes, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2008). Oscar Schmidt Beccerra, Great Athletes, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press, Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2008). Charles White, Great Athletes, Second Revised Edition. Salem Press, Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2006). Life and debt, film review for Contemporary Justice Review

Shields, Theodore (2006). James Earl Ray, Notorious Lives, Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2006). Butch Cassidy, Notorious Lives, Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2006). Clay Bertrand Shaw, Notorious Lives, Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2005). Gambling: Legal and illegal, Criminal Justice. Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2005). History of voting fraud, Criminal Justice. Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2005). Defenses to crime, Criminal Justice, Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore (2005). Television news treatment of crime, Criminal Justice, Salem Press Inc.

Shields, Theodore and Tammy Winner (2001). Breaking the Island Chains: A Case Study on the Intricate Powers of Language and the World Wide Web. Computers and Composition, Spring 2003

Shields, Theodore (1998). Social Learning Theory and the Chaotic Perspective: A Comparative and Integrative Analysis. The Red Feather Journal of Sociology, v2, Summer, no. 9


“Researching and Documenting in APA Format.” Presented at Spelman College’s Comprehensive Writing Program, Atlanta, Ga: 11/02

“Linking Students and Cultures Via Criminal Justice Education,” with David R. Champion. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Washington, D.C.: 03/01

“Enhancing Your Courses with the World Wide Web.” Presented at the Annual Faculty Seminar, The College of the Bahamas. Nassau, Bahamas: 08/2000

“Integrative Introductions: Establishing a Learning Community for First Semester Criminology Majors,” with Dr. Tammy Winner. Paper presented at the University of South Florida’s Learning Community Conference, “Creating and Sustaining Learning Communities: Connections, Collaborations and Crossing Borders.” 03/99

“Anomie and Cognitive Learning: An Integrative Approach,” with David Champion and Todd R. Gibney. Presented at the American Society of Criminology. Washington, D.C.: 11/98

Interview Researcher, Pine Grove Project (Life Histories Aspect) Conducted and analyzed a series of one on one in-depth interviews designed to develop historical narratives for juvenile offenders sentenced as adults in the maximum security Houtzdale State Correctional, Institution, PA. This state sponsored research was designed in preparation for a new maximum security juvenile facility in Indiana, PA: 05/98 - 08/98

“Theory, Field and Classroom: Criminology’s Triad,” with David R. Champion and Todd R. Gibney. Presented at the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences. Bristol/Newport, Rhode Island: 06/98

“Students as Mentors to Students: An Evaluation of the Utility of a Pilot Peer Mentoring Program in Criminology.” Presented at the Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences. Bristol/Newport, Rhode Island: 06/98

“Icebreakers: Six Ways to Get Students Talking on the First Day of Class, with Tammy White. Presented at the 2nd annual Teaching Associates Colloquium, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Indiana, PA: 04/98

“Advising Criminology and Criminal Justice Undergraduates: The Use of a Centralized Advising Center,” with Dr. Kate Hanrahan and Kristine Empie Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Albuquerque, NM: 03/98


American Society of Criminology

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Northeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences

Southeastern Association of Criminal Justice Sciences

Created By
Ted Shields