
Double Denim Dame

Leah Dame, a junior at Community High School, couldn’t care less what her peers think about how she dresses.

Dame has always been expressive with her clothing, even if she looks back on her younger years and cringes at the thought. Elementary school was characterized by all neon everything while Dame took on middle school wearing only sweatpants and sweatshirts.

“I was also a chubby kid, so I was popping out of the seams with neon shorts that went down to my knees,” Dame said.

Now, Dame likes to take trends and make them her own. She used to scroll through social media for her fashion inspiration. These days, she is inspired by her peers.

“I think most people don’t realize that they have style,” Dame said. “Just the way that people pair stuff together is interesting.”

Above, Dame sports a pair of P.F. Flyers that have caught a lot of attention from older generations.

“I went to Christmas and my uncle was like ‘I use to wear those as a kid,’” Dame said.

Dame pulls off the canadian tuxedo flawlessly, wearing dark-grey Riders jeans from Salvation Army — which Dame explained is quintessentially Ann Arbor — that contrast the light blue wash of her Ragstock denim jacket. As for the shirt, she had an Al-Gon-Quin counselor donate it to her.

“I was going around as a camper talking to my favorite counselors, asking them if they have any clothes that they wanted to give away,” Dame said. “My counselor and friend, Devon, gave me this. He gave me a pile of clothes, Kith shirts, all this stuff. And this shirt is special because one of the other counselors, G, it is his old band’s shirt.”
Created By
Sacha Verlon


Sacha Verlon

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