Tips for Traveling with Kids
- Backpacks for Each Kid (Makes them feel special to have their own; and their special stuff in it)
- Smart Devices (Download their favorite movies/shows)
- Headphones
- Noise Cancel Headphones (We use these for my son on the Spectrum; they work great)
- Coloring Books / Puzzle Books
- Crayons
- Small packs of Playdough with some playdough toys
- Water Wow Books
- Candy (for a little treat)
- Snacks
- Re-Usable Water Bottles (I bring them empty and fill once through security)
- Books (Depending on age and if they like them or not)
- Favorite Toys (I.e. Matchbox Cars, Little Figures like dinosaurs, etc.)
- Legos (Put some in a small container with lid)
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