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Club Rush Introduces New Extracurriculars Izzy Sareen '22

An excited mood filled the air as hundreds of Staples students flooded into the gymnasium on Thursday, Oct 7 for the annual Club Rush. The gym was stacked with clubs ranging from languages to sports, and all the way to activism; there were dozens of options to choose from.
The Chess Club was stationed at the front of the line of club tables. The Staples Chess club teaches its members how to play the game, by offering insight on how to make smart moves when competing. The club frequently meets every Tuesday after school in room 3011.
Next in line was the Debate Club: a popular choice with many Staples l students. The debate club offers snacks, while participants learn how to strategically hold a strong debate.
First of the language-related clubs was the French club. The French club is run by a few students who take French at Staples High School, and is dedicated to teaching students about the culture of France, through food, the language itself, music and much more.
One of the most crowded club stands was the new HeForShe club. This club falls under the activism category, as it speaks about the issue of gender equality in the United States. This club offers students an opportunity to become an activist within their own community, and teaches them how to effectively spread the word about important gender issues going on in America today.
Also on the newer side, was the Students Demand Action Club - run by club president Tessa Moore '22. The SDAC meets every Thursday at 7pm on Google Meet, in order to comply with the town’s recommended COVID-19 protocols. This club allows for students to brainstorm creative ways to solve problems in the Westport community, and encourages members to branch out to surrounding areas as well.
Staples Players has been a long time team player at Club Rush. The Players are well known across the state, with seats almost always completely booked at each performance. The Players offered up chocolatey snacks in exchange for signing up to be an actor at Staples High School.
Film Club Paved a colorful path in the middle of the Club Rush stands with its bolded letters and vibrant presentation. The film club meets every other Monday after school in the radio room in the Players hallway at Staples. The film club is another creative club. Students are engaged in their meetings and contribute ideas about how to make fun and enticing films for the public.
Coming in second in line of the many language clubs was the Latin Club. Club presidents Sophie Clemens '22 and Erin Durkin '22 have set up their club to be one where students can learn about the history of Latin America, Roman Mythology and the Latin language itself.
A familiar club, the Zero Waste Committee was also present at club rush. The Zero Waste Committee has recently implemented a composting program at Staples that has been widely successful. The Committee is continuously working towards their goal of making Staples and its surrounding community a more environmentally friendly place.
One of the most heartfelt clubs on display at Club Rush was the Stars of Hope club. The goal of this club is to empower people to take action and help others, regardless if they know them well or not. The club encourages healing within and helping others to heal as well. The club works both at a local and national level.
Last but not least, was the German Club. The German Club run by co-presidents Sophia Guiduli '22, Adam Bauks '22 and Matthew Lott '22 helps students to gain a deeper understanding of the German language, along with German food, culture, music, history and clothing.

Club Rush 2021 was a way for Staples students to get immersed in several different types of extracurricular activities. The wide range of options provided students with great opportunities
