ADMH Vision Statement
Promoting the health and well-being of Alabamians with mental illness, developmental disability and substance abuse disorder
Message from the Commissioner
Since my appointment as Commissioner in July 2017, my goal has been to focus all our efforts toward the people we serve. Keeping those individuals in the forefront is our mission and guides the services that we provide and the decisions that we make every day. Soon, we plan to expand prevention and intervention efforts, such as school-based mental health services and crisis intervention. We are working with partners to offer more housing options and peer support to benefit those that need them.
State ADMH facilities continue to be updated to offer the best care to the people we serve. These efforts assist in promoting health and well-being and help to decrease the need for acute care in our communities.
The Alabama Department of Mental Health is dedicated to serving those with mental illness, substance abuse disorders and developmental disabilities. We are fully committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of Alabamians.
Although less than three percent of the ADMH budget is allocated to central office functions department wide, services are delivered in a professional manner with a high degree of accountability.
The Division of Administration provides support to the department’s facilities and central office staff via several sections that specialize in personnel, administrative support, contracts, professional development, asset management and nursing home screening services.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) provides a comprehensive array of services and supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families through community agencies, five regional community services offices, and three comprehensive support service teams that assist with behavioral, medical, psychiatric and dental services and supports.
The DD staff provides oversight and support in planning, service coordination, service delivery, fiscal operations, contracts, eligibility, monitoring/quality enhancement of services, and the monitoring and certification of all community agencies that provide services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. A DD Coordinating Subcommittee, comprised of consumers, families, service providers and other leaders, assists the division in setting and prioritizing service goals based upon needs of individuals and budgetary considerations.
The DD Division is currently developing plans to implement the Home and Community Based Settings (HCBS) Rule to ensure that Medicaid-funded HCBS programs provide people with disabilities opportunities to live, work, and receive services in integrated, community settings where they can fully engage in community life. The rule will go in place in 2020.
The Division of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse is comprised of a comprehensive array of treatment services and supports through three state-operated mental health facilities and through contractual agreements with community mental health centers and substance abuse providers across the state. The MHSA staff provides oversight and support for the continuum of care through its offices of quality improvement, consumer relations, deaf services, community programs, certification, facilities management, and the indigent drug program.
Substance Abuse services encompass the development, coordination, and management of a comprehensive system of treatment and prevention services for alcoholism/drug addiction and abuse. Responsibilities include contracting for services with local providers, monitoring service contracts, evaluating and certifying services programs according to departmental standards for substance abuse programs, and developing models for a continuum of treatment and prevention services.
106,740 PEOPLE
with mental illness who received treatments & services in the community
26,858 PEOPLE
with substance use disorder received treatment in the community
5,744 PEOPLE
with intellectual disabilities in the community
1,670 PEOPLE
with intellectual or development disabilities and their families participated in Family Support activities
with mental illness who received treatment in state facilities
3,445 BEDS
in the community for those with developmental disabilities
2,775 beds
in the community for those with mental illness
Bryce Hospital
Bryce Hospital was established in 1861 in Tuscaloosa. Bryce Hospital is responsible for the provision of inpatient psychiatric services for adults throughout the state. Bryce Hospital offered 268 beds in FY 2017.
Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center
Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center was established in 1996 on the campus of Bryce Hospital. The Harper Center is responsible for the provision of inpatient psychiatric services to elderly citizens throughout the state. Harper Center offered 96 beds in FY 2017.
Taylor Hardin Secure Medical Facility
Taylor Hardin is responsible for providing comprehensive psychiatric evaluation/treatment to the criminally committed throughout the state and forensic evaluations to the Criminal Courts for the state of Alabama. It is the only maximum security forensic facility operated by the ADMH. Taylor Hardin offered 140 beds in FY 2017.
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