Corbett's Corner
It is hard to know an appropriate introduction to our newsletter this season. The amount of change we have all experienced since our last publication in January is incredible…what a difference a few months can make!
First, I would like to state clearly our continued commitment to equity, diversity and access! As we continue to grow our coastal enterprise, Integrated Coastal Programs will follow the guiding words of ECU’s Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity, LaKesha Forbes, and work across our campuses and partner institutions to be a “facilitative force for positive, sustainable change - in our classrooms and workplaces, and in the region we serve.” It is critical that we continue to be a leader for change and help drive progress in the right direction. Together we will make a positive difference in our community, region, and State!
Like what most of you experienced, this Spring brought more than just rain, flowers and warmer weather…yes, I am referring to changes associate with COVID-19. I do not want to downplay this pandemic by any account…it has impacted our community and our nation on so many levels. I am thankful for ECU’s strong leadership as they have navigated many challenges these past many weeks and as they continue to prepare for the months to come!
You may recall that this spring semester marked the first ECU undergraduates to spend what was to be the entire spring semester on the Outer Banks Campus with a full load of coastal-focused experiential courses. The semester got off to a great start but was unfortunately cut short. However, the students still had an incredible coastal-focused semester and we are already preparing for next spring! You can learn more about the Semester Experience at the Coast in the Spring 2020 edition of East Magazine and in this newsletter. Rather than have me give you all the details and highlights…take a few minutes to learn more about what the students and faculty had to say about this unique opportunity.
Another great milestone for ICP was filling the CSI Research/Administration building full of new faculty and students. Over the last twelve months we really grew the enterprise! We have grown the number of faculty, staff, and students “permanently” located at the Outer Banks Campus. CSI is busy…stop by and see all the activity…well, wait until we have a more open campus, but then come by for sure because you might be amazed at the buzz! We are excited about the 5 new tenure-track and 3 fixed-term faculty that are now all in-residence at CSI. These bright, young, energetic, interdisciplinary new faculty will elevate our research and education beyond anything we have done in the past! In order to provide some sense of the interdisciplinarity of our team, I put a Wordle together of recent (5 years) publications of all our ICP faculty. Note, the word that really sticks out…COASTAL! But after that, the top 100 words are quite diverse, from Management to Treatment, Climate to Communities, and Risk to Protection. This exercise with words truly shows the breadth of our scholars. Please take the time to reach out and learn more about what our faculty are doing or how you might collaborate.
Although the events occurring this spring presented us with some challenges, they did not slow our progress nor squelch our determination. We have a great team, and an organization willing to make changes necessary to continue our growth. This is not the first time ECU has faced adversity…we are Pirates and we will continue to weather this storm, working together to create our path forward!
I hope you and yours are doing well and staying healthy and safe. Enjoy our Spring Newsletter and I hope you will stay informed through our social media platforms.
Reide Corbett
CSI & Jennette's Pier Partner with NREL and DOE on Waves to Water Renewable Energy Competition
Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink. Such is the familiar refrain uttered by poet Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, whose thirst cannot be quenched by the expanse of salty seawater upon which he’s adrift. But what if there was a drop to drink, or significantly more than a drop? Could the ocean, an unlimited, reliable source, help meet a global need for safe, secure, and affordable drinking water? Better yet, could this need be met in a cost-effective manner?
Desalination is the process of removing salt from water. Desalination plants operate in over 100 countries around the world. However, desalination requires costly infrastructure and an abundance of electricity-intensive energy. This issue raises the question: Is there a way to bypass the electricity component?
The solution may well lie in the ocean itself, through the harnessing of free, renewable energy generated by ocean waves. Could the notion of utilizing wave energy to transform saltwater into drinking water become a reality?
The Waves to Water project is counting on it. Launched by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the Water Power Technologies Office in June 2019, the Waves to Water project draws upon innovators to accelerate early-stage technologies through a series of contests to demonstrate small, modular, cost-competitive desalination systems that use the power of ocean waves to help provide drinking water to remote coastal and island communities. “We hope to demonstrate how marine energy can deliver a clean water solution that benefits communities around the globe.”
And with the announcement of $3.3 million total in prize money, the wheels of innovative thought commenced turning.
Initially, the competition was composed of four stages:
CONCEPT - Describe how the proposed solution meets the goals of the program. Provide details of the functionality of the wave energy generation technology, desalination technology, and proposed integration methods. The winners of this stage were announced on November 14, 2019. Each received a $10,000 prize.
DESIGN - Submit a plan and provide detailed modeling of the system.
CREATE - Build a functional prototype or proof-of-concept of the system and develop a plan to build and deliver the technology for the DRINK Stage.
DRINK - Winners of the CREATE Stage will build and ship their systems to a designated test site to conduct testing for up to five days. Competitors will compete on efficiency, logistics, and system integration metrics.
On June 8, 2020, the Department of Energy announced that Jennette’s Pier, in partnership with Coastal Studies Institute (CSI,) has been selected as the test site of the Waves to Water Competition Finale! The pier, located in Nags Head, NC Outer Banks, will be the staging ground for the final DRINK stage of the competition scheduled to take place spring of 2022.
CSI operates a renewable energy testing site in partnership with Jennette’s Pier. The research experience, technical expertise and infrastructure available for deployment and testing make CSI and Jennette’s Pier an optimal location and partnership for the DRINK stage of the Waves to Water competition and will provide CSI exposure on a national level.
Reacting to the news, Dr. Lindsay Dubbs, Associate Director, NC Renewable Ocean Energy Program at CSI, said, "We are excited by this opportunity for CSI and the NCROEP to play a role in advancing marine hydrokinetic energy solutions for disaster relief. CSI's involvement in the Waves to Water Prize is an outcome of our long-standing observing and research collaboration with Jennette's Pier, and we hope it will lead to many new collaborations that pursue innovative solutions to challenges faced by coastal communities. "
Hosting the finale, Jennette’s Pier will welcome the competitors to contend for the grand prize during a five-day, open water test. CSI will be directly involved leading up to, and during, the competition, offering a variety of exciting outreach events involving K-12 students and the general public. In addition, CSI and ECU will provide vessel support and divers.
Dr. Michael Muglia, Assistant Director, NCROEP, expressed his enthusiasm. “This is a fantastic opportunity for CSI’s Renewable Ocean Energy Program and Jennette’s to demonstrate our depth of expertise, knowledge, and capabilities to test renewable ocean energy devices right here on the Outer Banks. We’re excited to work with all of the talented competitors to showcase wave powered desalination technologies with our colleagues from the National Renewable Energy Labs and Department of Energy’s Waterpower Technologies Office.”
And echoing Dr. Muglia’s sentiments, Mr. George Bonner, Director of the NCROEP, states, “CSI brings together multidisciplinary researchers to solve our most urgent coastal challenges, including renewable energy development. We are proud to partner with the U.S. Department of Energy to host tomorrow’s desalination trailblazers here in the Outer Banks.”
DOE also announced the winners for the DESIGN stage. Each advancing team received a cash prize after demonstrating their systems’ technical capability and plans to build a functional proof-of-concept desalination system.
Now that the testing site for the DRINK stage has been determined, a new ADAPT stage has been added to the process. Teams can consider specific wave conditions at Jennette’s Pier as they continue their computer-based modeling work.
The grand prize-winning submission will meet the following objectives:
• Flexibility in varied wave conditions
• Easily deployed
• Ship in a standard container
• Meet a defined water quality standard
• Operate without environmental degradation
Upon completion of the DRINKS stage, the competitor with the best overall score will be determined and will receive an award of $500,000.
Now that is something to raise a glass of safe, drinkable water to! Cheers!
It’s February and the blue-green water of the ocean is sparkling, rising, curling into foaming waves, crashing on the shore where a group is receiving instructions on performing a two-dimensional beach profile and they’re collecting data and learning to use the poles and meter stick and pre-measured string and they’re moving from dune to waterline, recording the elevation incrementally, and after some calculating and plotting they successfully complete one transect, and they take a moment to observe the wide expanse of sea, and examine the soft, white sand beneath their feet, and look up at the bluest of skies dotted with white puffs of clouds, and feel the crispness of the wind that seems to be blowing from all directions, and take in big gulps of tangy salt air. They are students enrolled in ECU’s Undergraduate Semester Experience at the Coast. This is their classroom.
The Undergraduate Semester Experience at the Coast is a structured residential program located on ECU’s Outer Banks Campus for students with an interest in coastal studies. This semester-long program provides students interested in coastal resources, science, and management to immerse themselves in an environment where courses are hands-on with field and lab-based experiences.
The inaugural class of students gathered in January, launching the Spring 2020 Semester Experience at the Coast, and enthusiastically embraced the classroom-coastal connection.
Student Marco Agostini was a big fan of spending time on the beach. “Our first field trip was a day trip to Jennette's Pier, where each professor taught a different subject based on what they taught us in class. We got to do beach profiling, we got to actually see coastal processes and how they affect a beach, we did CTD casts to measure water density off the pier, and we learned about taking Terrestrial Laser Scanner images of the beach, as well as the fishing culture around the pier.”
Unless students and faculty are out and about exploring the Outer Banks, classes are held on ECU’s Outer Banks Campus in the Coastal Studies Institute facility. The campus is situated in a remarkable coastal setting surrounded by diverse freshwater, estuarine, and marine ecosystems
Courses offered in the Semester Experience at the Coast span a variety of disciplines in the natural, social and engineering sciences. Course titles include: “Remote Sensing of the Environment,” “Survey of Coastal and Marine Resources,” and “Environmental Anthropology.” The courses are taught by faculty who have performed meaningful and exciting research all over the world, enabling them to share real life experiences and knowledge.
Dr. Kimberly Rogers, Assistant Professor, has performed interdisciplinary research regarding sediment dynamics on the river deltas of South East Asia. She teaches “Bays and Beaches Around the World: Geological Form and Function”. “One of my course objectives was to train students on how to identify ‘clues’ observed in the environment and how to use those as evidence for the processes working to shape those environments. Classes would often begin with students looking at photographs or a Google Earth image of a coastal environment located somewhere in the world, ranging from the barrier island environments of the Outer Banks or the Netherlands to the volcanic coasts of Iceland or Tenerife. Students would describe what they noticed, for example: the color of beach sand, the existence of sand dunes or rocky cliffs, the shape of a river delta or estuary, evidence of human or animal activity, the steepness of the continental margin, etc. Through this activity, students learned to use observation and critical thinking skills to support their assumptions and learned how to link individual elements of a coastal environment to overall coastal system dynamics.”
The class size is small, encouraging strong faculty and student interaction.
Marco echoed Logan’s comments, “The professors were friendly, engaging, helpful, and very knowledgeable. Thanks to them I woke up every morning excited for class! We were given a manageable workload and assignments were always interesting and applied to real world situations.”
Dr. Michael Muglia, Research Assistant Professor and admitted “surf junky,” focuses his research on methods to harness energy from the ocean. An overarching theme for his “Analysis Techniques and Methods of Coastal Ocean Research” course was “oceanic fronts” or what fisherman often call “breaks.” Dr. Muglia explained the convergence of distinct water masses at Cape Hatteras and how the varying water temperature and salinity affects the density and can be used to identify these masses. Several field trips on the ocean and sound sides of Nags Head were undertaken and the students were introduced to the CTD instrument which collects conductivity (for salinity), temperature, and depth casts. By calculating wind speed and direction measurements, the students developed an understanding of how the wind moves different water masses into these locations.
Student Kaleigh Bell says, “It's interesting to have the opportunity to see and practice what we learned in class. I have always loved the coast and ocean, but now that I know more about the systems in these environments, I can view the area differently and be appreciative of the nature involved.”
Marco found the housing arrangement to his liking. “Our residence was comfortable and very accommodating with easy access to CSI. We had plenty of free time to explore Roanoke Island and surrounding areas of the Outer Banks, which was a blast!”
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 event forced some of the planned activities to be cut short, resulting in classes converting to online studies. Nevertheless, judging from the students’ resounding exclamations, the semester was a success.
I'm really going to miss the atmosphere, all the helpful faculty, and my classmates whom I have gotten closer to over the past few months. (Kaleigh)
I was thoroughly engaged and passionate about the entire program, and I enjoyed every minute of it! (Marco)
Making the decision to take courses at the Coastal Studies Institute was no doubt one of the best choices I made during my four years at East Carolina University. It was an amazing way to end my senior year. My respect and understanding of the coast intensified during my time at CSI. It was a unique opportunity that anyone who is passionate about the coast should be a part of. (Logan)
For information on the 2021 Undergraduate Semester Experience at the Coast, please visit the web page or contact
Nature vs. Nature: An Adaptation Strategy
It is a fascinating proposition that systems in nature can be utilized to stem the tide (pardon the pun) against nature itself. Such is the case when it comes to adapting to and mitigating the impact of sea level rise, storms, flooding, and erosion. Marsh wetlands, oyster reefs, dunes, mangroves, and living shorelines can provide a buffer from storm surge and waves, therefore increasing coastal resilience and stabilizing shorelines. But wait! There’s more! While these natural ecosystems are busy standing their ground, they are simultaneously providing cost-free services, such as water filtration, carbon sequestration, habitat provision, and support for recreation and tourism. A win-win solution courtesy of Mother Nature herself.
This promising approach, called Ecosystem-based Adaptation, was highlighted in research conducted by Dr. Siddharth Narayan and Dr. Nadine Heck, Assistant Professors in the Department of Coastal Studies. The paper titled “Local Adaptation Responses to Coastal Hazards in Small Island Communities: Insights from 4 Pacific Nations” was published (with co-authors) in the journal Environmental Science & Policy. As stated in the report, "the research is important as there is little understanding of the environmental and social factors that shape local adaptation choices, especially in rural and remote island settings.” Such knowledge is critical when determining effective and locally appropriate adaptation strategies.
The research focused on 43 towns and villages in four Pacific island nations with most having less than 500 inhabitants and a geographic mix of low-lying atoll islands and coastlines on larger high islands. Confronted with erosion, flooding, and saltwater intrusion (contaminating precious sources of drinking water and affecting soil quality), the livelihoods, natural resources, and cultural heritage are at risk in these surveyed communities:
• Papua New Guinea, north of Australia, boasts dramatic landscapes, with a large swath of unexplored territory. This island of rugged beauty supports a remarkably culturally diverse population with over 800 languages spoken. Villagers rely on fishing in the mangroves and coral reefs for their food, livelihood, and income.
• Solomon Islands lies to the east of Papua New Guinea and northeast of Australia. Here, a mix of the six major islands were studied. Smaller islands (of which there are over 900) have limited space on high ground, making access to many communities difficult. Solomon is a diving hotspot as wrecks of ships and planes from World War II litter the ocean floor. Over 230 varieties of orchids and other tropical flowers contribute to a vivid landscape. The population is concentrated in small rural villages, engaged in subsistence gardening, pig raising, and fishing.
• Philippines is comprised of over 7,000 islands in the western Pacific Ocean, northeast of Japan. Situated on the western fringes of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines experience frequent seismic and volcanic activity, drastically modifying the coastal environment. Land and vegetation are sparse, and the communities studied generally rely on subsistence and artisanal fishing and related activities for their livelihoods. The islands are home to 170 bird species not thought to exist elsewhere, including the national bird, the Philippine Eagle, which at over 3 feet tall is the tallest eagle in the world.
• Samoa lies south of the equator, about halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. One of the oldest Polynesian cultures, dating back more than 3,000 years, Samoan culture is rooted in a respect for the environment. Coastal fisheries, often located near mangrove wetlands and behind nearshore coral reefs, are an integral part of life in Samoa, forming the basis of livelihoods for many coastal communities.
Speaking with local government and community members and with non-governmental agencies involved in coastal adaptation, data was collected regarding:
• perceptions of vulnerabilities and coastal hazards
• plans to respond to coastal hazards
• implemented adaptation responses
• perceived effectiveness of adaptation responses
• sources of adaptation funding
• incentives and dis-incentives for adaptation.
The study revealed that coastal communities view coastal erosion and loss of land as the dominant threat to residential homes and natural assets (such as vegetation and coral reefs), even more so than flooding and sea level rise. So, when considering how best to reduce the impact of coastal hazards, what adaptation strategy was most favored by the government and community members?
Protective structures? No. Hard structures such as seawalls, jetties, bulkheads, and levees are widely preferred but are often not implemented due to a lack of social, institutional, and technical capacity. And, in some cases, these infrastructures are not always the ideal choice, as they redirect, rather than dissipate, wave energy, forcing waves to spill over the structures, providing flood protection to only a certain peak wave height. In addition, they must be updated or replaced to deal with higher water levels.
Accommodative measures? No. Raising home elevations are among the most implemented, although not effective overall.
Retreat (or relocation)? No. The idea of retreat is a highly unpopular adaptation response, and difficult to implement, as coastal communities indicate a strong place attachment, being deeply embedded in their social and natural environment.
Ecosystem-based Adaptation? Yes! Dr. Narayan states, “we and our co-authors found that at the local scale, coastal communities in the Pacific prefer Ecosystem-based Adaptation to other strategies for the multiple benefits they provide.”
When societies are given the chance to responsibly and sustainably care for their natural resources, they recognize the complex link they, as well as their livelihoods, have with nature. Prioritizing nature as the first line of defense to reduce the impact of coastal hazards in communities is a strategy that can be implemented using local capital and knowledge, making it an even more favorable option.
Note: This study was supplemented by additional research conducted by Dr. Narayan, colleagues at University of California Santa Cruz, and colleagues in Spain, involving a global-scale assessment of the benefit of mangroves for flood reduction during storms. Their findings were published in Scientific Reports under the title “The Global Flood Protection Benefits of Mangroves.” Evidence revealed that coastal mangrove, marsh wetlands, and offshore coral reefs can protect shorelines by reducing wave heights and storm surges. The article can be accessed here.
Parasite invasion or “body-snatching”, effectively turning a host into a zombie, could well be the subject of the next binge-worthy Netflix series. For Dr. April Blakeslee, Assistant Professor in ECU’s Department of Biology and a researcher in marine systems, invasion biology and parasite ecology are two areas of focus.
Dr. Erin Field, also an Assistant Professor in ECU’s Department of Biology, conducts no less fascinating research in the world of geomicrobiology. Focusing on microbe-metal dynamics, her studies include analysis of the build-up, or biofilm, of microorganisms found on metal structures such as bridges, pipes, and shipwrecks.
Drs. Blakeslee and Field participated in the 2019 inaugural Coastal Fellows Initiative, a program sponsored by ECU’s Integrated Coastal Programs (ICP), Department of Coastal Studies, and the Coastal Studies Institute.
The Coastal Fellows Initiative promotes interdisciplinary research that contributes to the knowledge, understanding, and improvement of physical, biological, and/or human systems of coastal and marine environments. Qualified ECU scholars are invited to develop coastal-related research proposals that bridge knowledge across disciplinary boundaries (e.g., natural science, engineering, health, and social science). Research Fellows receive one month of summer salary, spend a portion of their research development time at CSI (ECU’s Outer Banks Campus), and interact with ICP and DCS faculty. A presentation of their research to community audiences caps off the experience.
For Dr. Blakeslee, being selected was an opportunity to continue her research on the mud crab. This species of crab has increasingly become prone to infection of a parasite (Loxothylacus panopaei – Loxo for short) causing extreme behavioral and reproductive changes. The mud crab is an important member of the estuarine food web where negative effects on one species will detrimentally affect other species within the ecosystem as well. At CSI, Dr. Blakeslee converted milk crates into “condo-style” habitats where any self-respecting mud crab would be happy to set up housekeeping. She made regular visits to the Outer Banks Campus to collect data. For several months, she found no indication of the parasite and the crabs seemed to be functioning normally. However, as time went on, samplings revealed the parasite was present. As the parasite and its larvae require a high salinity level – higher than 8-10 parts per thousand, Dr. Blakeslee attributes the presence of the parasite to an increase in salinity along the shoreline. Saltwater intrusion and increased water temperatures in the coastal wetland area are often results from storms and flooding. In this case, the increased salinity levels provided a conducive environment for the parasite. This is an important finding, demonstrating that as climate change and sea level rise impact the coast, parasites may be able to invade areas that would have previously been inhospitable.
Dr. Field, like Dr. Blakeslee, used the Coastal Fellows opportunity to build on past research, addressing the question: “How do microbes affect the degradation and preservation of different metal alloy structures found in coastal systems?” Collaborating with Drs. Nathan Richards and Jennifer McKinnon with ECU’s Maritime Studies Program, the team studied nearby shipwrecks, such as Pappy’s Lane, the WWII landing craft support vessel resting in the Pamlico Sound. Samples of microbes were collected and examined in the lab to gain a better understanding of the microbes and the metals they seem to prefer. Dr. Field explained the findings may provide insight for improved maintenance of infrastructure and help in identifying shipwrecks. The collaborations Dr. Field forged during her time as a Coastal Fellow led to an exciting opportunity (with Drs. Richards and McKinnon) to conduct research on WWII aircraft wrecks off the island of Saipan, the largest of the Northern Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean.
Dr. Blakeslee stated her time as a Coastal Fellow has led her to think of new ways to expand and build upon her current research program. “I’m happy I was able to take advantage of the resources that CSI provides, and I am grateful for the experience.”
Dr. Field encouraged future Coastal Fellows to “be open to opportunities you don’t expect! Talk to everyone you meet and share with them what you’re doing. You never know who could help you or have ideas you never even thought of.”
Introducing the 2020 Coastal Fellows
Dr. Raymond Smith, III, Associate Professor of Engineering. Title of Proposal: A Decision Support System Supporting Adaptation Planning for Rural Coastal Communities.
Dr. Gregory Howard, Associate Professor of Economics. Title of Proposal: Mitigating Coastal Flood Risk: Examining the “How” and “Where” of Home Acquisition Programs.
Dr. Smith will study how rural coastal communities are disproportionately impacted by sea level rise and increasing storm events, often due to deficient infrastructure systems, making them more susceptible to economic, social, ecological, and environmental stressors. He proposes to coordinate a group of interdisciplinary scholars to produce an adaptation planning process, via a new framework and decision support resource to prevent irreversible harm to these coastal communities.
Dr. Smith is grateful for having been selected. “As a Coastal Fellow, I hope to gain a broader understanding of the issues, and complexities facing our vulnerable coastal region by collaborating with coastal scholars and experts, as well as the coastal community. Addressing future challenges in the coastal environment will require research teams with interdisciplinary skills drawn from engineering, science, economics, and social science. I am excited to be a part of this opportunity and the benefit it may provide.”
Dr. Howard will assemble an interdisciplinary group of colleagues to build a research program and examine how voluntary home acquisition programs could better operate, including reducing costs to taxpayers, increasing homeowner interest, and positively impacting ecosystem services in the surrounding community. He will review Hazard Mitigation programs under the purview of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), specifically one which removes repeat-loss or at-risk homes from the housing stock through government acquisition and demolition of the property. With the challenges facing coastal areas as climate change intensifies, he believes there is support for expanding and revising these programs.
“I hope to use this Coastal Fellow opportunity as an impetus to integrate myself and my research more closely with the talented scientists and academics in the Department of Coastal Studies,” Dr. Howard stated. “I look forward to getting to know them better, sharing my work and research interests, and learning more about their research interests.”
For additional information regarding the Coastal Fellows Initiative, contact Dr. Reide Corbett,
Broadcast LIVE every Wednesday, beginning July 1 through August 12
CSI's Summer Camps are going virtual! Join us with you child at 10am every Wednesday beginning July 1 for engaging science-themed programming. Your student will explore new science concepts each week through online demonstrations and fun take home activities to do discover with your family. Broadcasts will happen live on our YouTube channel on Wednesdays at 10:00am, beginning on July 1 and running through August 12, 2020.
Weekly Topics Include:
- Oceanography
- Estuaries
- Marine Biology
- Marine Mammals
- Art & Science
- Shipwrecks
- And more!
Would you like to support the research, education and outreach programming of ECU's Integrated Coastal Programs and the Coastal Studies Institute?
Your generous donation will support academic programming and scholarships for undergraduates, K-12 programming for area students and teachers, and community educational events like our "Science On the Sound Series" and annual open house.
Here are some other ways to support our mission that you might not have considered.
Charitable gift planning can reduce capital gains tax, income tax and estate tax while leaving a perpetual legacy for you or your family.
Testamentary gifts (relinquish no assets during the donor’s lifetime):
- Bequest provisions in your Will/Revocable Living Trust
- Beneficiary designation in your IRA or Qualified Retirement Plan Accounts
- Gifts of life insurance
Revenue producing gifts:
- Charitable Gift Annuities – often funded by appreciated assets
- Charitable Remainder Trusts – often funded by appreciated assets
Gifts of real estate:
- Retained Life Estate –give your home or vacation home and live in it the rest of your lives
- Bargain Sale – gift property at a reduced value offsetting capital gains and gaining an income tax deduction
- Gift of Fractional Interest – gift a percentage of a property sale for income tax deduction
To learn more about one or all of these planned giving options for the Coastal Studies Institute at ECU, contact Jessica Nottingham, Assistant Director of Planned Giving at 252-737-1507 or