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SVAN 971 A little instrument. A lot of Sound Level Meter.

SVAN 971 Class 1 Sound Level Meter is an extremely small instrument with options for 1/1 & 1/3 octave analysis. The instrument brings unprecedented state of the art technology to a SLM of this size. The user interface makes both configuration and measurement easier than ever before.

The Sound Level Meter for everyone.

Put some color on! SVAN 971 features OLED display that supports wide color and a high contrast ratio, delivering deep blacks and bright whites

Engineered to meet your needs.

FREQUENCY ANALYSIS of the signal in 1/1 or 1/3 octave bands. The 1/1 octave analysis is often used for selection of hearing protectors. The 1/3 octave function allows to determine the influence of high or low frequencies on overall values.

AUDIO RECORDING is synchronized with a noise time-history and it can be opened and played back in Supervisor software enabling noise source recognition. The recording is programmable, it can be triggered on threshold or time and the length of recording can be set as well.

DOSIMETER option provides results such as: DOSE, DOSE_8h, PrDOSE, LAV, LAE (SEL), LAE8 (SEL8), PLAE (PSEL), E, E_8h, LEPd, PTC PEAK COUNTER), PTP (PEAK THRESHOLD %), ULT (UPPER LIMIT TIME), TWA, PrTWA, Lc-a and the selection of exchange rate between 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Type Approved Instrument.

The quality and accuracy of our SVAN 971 Class 1 Sound Level Meter has been confirmed by the Type Approval issued in December 2017 by BEV (Bundesamt fur Eich- und Vermessungswesen).

For more information please contact us at


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