Mr. Moore's drawing class is working on a charcoal still life. each student had to bring in an object for their table group to draw, the objects were set on a piece of cloth to add more detail into the drawings.
Saudee Beahan has almost finished her drawing, she is adding the finishing touches. Beahan's group choose the theme "childhood" for their still lifes and brought in bears, picture books, and rings.
In order to create the still life drawings, students must first cover the paper in charcoal, then erase parts to create the drawing.
Jaimie Snowleet (right) is drawing a wolf skull, a water bottle, a vase, and a toy chicken leg. The odd mixture of objects "{is} an interesting subject matter, but I'm enjoying it."
Each charcoal covered student was working diligently on their own drawing but also conferring with their table partners on the subject matter and how they were drawing it.
Mercedes Mancilla