Every time Rainbow Spider has a bath, he does a little dance and throws petals all around.
On Friday mummy laughed, ‘Bath Time.’
Baby spider, put one leg in, took one leg out, did a little dance throwing petals all about. Hey presto...one violet leg!
On Tuesday daddy laughed, ‘Time to climb!’
This results with him having eight rainbow coloured legs.
On Monday Nanny and Grandad came to visit.
‘We’ll call you Rainbow!’ they said.
‘Let’s sing a tickling song.’
Rainbow Spider climbed up the water spout.
On Thursday daddy laughed, ‘Let’s give someone a fright!’
‘Where are you going up so high?’
‘Where am I ?’ asked Rainbow.
‘Hang the dream catcher over your bed.’
‘Continue growing and learning,’ called Arachne.
Then he slid down the rainbow.
All the spiders ran to meet him. He was home.
All the spiders listened to his stories.
The Rainbow Spider by Heather Edwards is now available on Amazon.