Call Center of India Struggles and advantages

The population of India is 1,266,883,598 (July 2016) India is ranked 2nd in the world. Many live in city areas due to the fact that they can be closer to jobs. More jobs = more money

Schooling in India is actually good. Believe it or not India is ranked 3rd in the world for test scores on language, mathematics, and science. Although, India has private schools with very strict dress coding on how to dress appropriately and has unifirms. To work at a call center you'd typically need to have a high school diploma. Some companies may prefer you to have at least some collage education.

The call center is Issc. During training you feel like your in kindergarten. They ask you simple questions. At the call center they do everything from assisting people with customer service complaints to making telemarketing calls. On average, people at the call center make between $9 and $14 dollars an hour.

I feel call centers have helped India in many ways. It may just seem like an ordinary call center but it means a lot to the people. Overall, call centers in India can change lives.


Created with images by Dimitry B - "Urban Sprawl, Jaipur, India" • Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) - "110705-N-NJ145-228"


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