La Mano Peluda The revenge of the hairy hand

CHARACTERS: A man and they jury/police.

SETTING: Colombian and Mexican origins.

PLOT SUMMARY: "La Mano Peluda" or "The Hairy Hand" is a legend of a man whose hand became alive after being murdered and unjustly accused of the robbery during the inquisition. (Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la inquisition) This is legend originates in Colombia and has been passed down to many, many generations. There are many versions to this legend but the most popular one is said to be about a man who was murdered was chopped up and later was buried in an Indian cemetery. It's unknown who this man was but he seemed to be seeking for revenge on the people who accused him of a robbery. In order to complete his revenge he would scare them at night. This made sure they didn't make the same mistake again.

If someone where to tell you about this legend then the best advice would be to wear socks at night! Parents would also tell this to their kids every time they misbehaved. After hearing about a huge, hairy hand popping up in their windows or any small cracks the kids made sure they were fast asleep.


Created with images by G20Voice - "Police" • chubiboako - "the jail man" • FerGarciaPhoto - "The Hood" • AmberAvalona - "skeletons afterlife dia de los muertos" • gamppart - "Kneesocks"


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