"Is It I, Lord?" The Call To Full-Time Ministry
Rev Raymond Fong
Scripture Passage: 2 Chronicles 29:11 (NIV)
Summary | The temple of God had been neglected because of past idolatry. Hezekiah was a godly king who told the priests it was their duty to restore the house of the Lord; because they were chosen by God to stand before Him, to serve Him, to minister to Him, to burn incense as part of worship. As a result, worship was brought back to its proper order. The Levite priests served full-time in the temple of the Lord.
Understanding Full-time Ministry
Today, the equivalent of the ancient priests would be those in full-time Christian ministry - the pastors, pastoral team members, missionaries, missioners and church staff serve and work full-time in proclaiming the Gospel and organizing the church to help others to know and worship God, and extend God’s kingdom.
But “full-time ministry” actually also applies to those who are outside of full-time Christian ministry. It is vital for us to grasp that we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation that we may declare the praises of God who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2: 5,9) Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, is the final priestly mediator between God and his people, and He had set the foundation for us to understand our role as priests. As believers, we are all part of God’s holy priesthood in full-time ministry (service) whatever our vocation in life. All of us are called to be set apart as that holy priesthood for the Lord.
Core Values for Ministry
Calling: We have been chosen by God to stand before Him and serve him. (v11) When God calls, there is such a joy and blessing in walking in obedience.
Character: A key aspect of character is costly dedication. Hezekiah told the Levite priests not to be negligent and uncommitted, but to give of their best. (v11) We may be called but may or may not be ready. To stand before the Lord means to give him clean hands and pure hearts. Are we available for God to mould and make us ready for His calling?
Competency: The priests were competent - trained and equipped - for the task of sanctifying the temple. God will empower and grant us the abilities for our calling. God has blessed us with abilities and talents. What we do with these gifts is what we give back to God. (v15-19)
Community: God had chosen two representatives from each Levite clan to serve together in cleansing the temple. (v12-14) Likewise, we do not serve alone, but together in community. (Rom 12:4-5) We belong to and need each other as we serve together. We shine the brightest when we shine together.
You have been chosen to be the Lord’s faithful priest and there is such a joy in obedience and God will provide. Let us embrace the call and make good use of our abilities and opportunities to serve the Lord in whatever vocation we are in. In these dark, idolatrous and lawless times, we need to make a difference wherever the Lord has called us. May God grant us the grace to respond with obedience and in trust.
(Sermon notes by Denis Koh)
1. 1 Peter 2:9 reminds us that we are a royal priesthood. We are called to be full-time servants of the Lord. What does this personally mean to you? What are His assignments for you?
2. In 2 Chronicles 29, King Hezekiah calls the priests to be dedicated and diligent about their tasks. What aspects of your character do you need God to mould and transform so that you may serve Him faithfully? Allow the Spirit to examine your heart.
3. What gifts and abilities has God given you to bless the Body of Christ or be a witness to the world for Christ? How are you using them?
4. We all need a community to serve with together. Are you part of such a community? What can you do to serve the Lord with others?
5. “Is it I, Lord?” Journal your personal reflections about the sermon. Surrender your learning to God and seek His grace to apply the Word and be obedient to His call.