10 Commandments for tablets augmented PE How to avoid a false start

Feel free to pick some advices about how to take a good start as a PE teacher with a tablet ! Discover more uses on tablettesetsurvetements.fr/en/ : tablet, robotics and gamification in PE.

1. Before starting some professional uses, play with your tablet. Discover, Try, Touch everywhere, Tame it ! It's the best way to learn !

Abyss. James Cameron. 1989.

2. Like James, always have a B plan ! Even if Tech tools are now liable, sometimes, everything is going wrong ! Be prepared.

James Bond. Sean Connery.

3. Choose your moment ! This "last lesson of the week" with this "noisy class" may be not the right context to try some new way of teaching !

Alice in wonderland. Tim Burton. 2010.

4. Put your tablet at the right place ! Using a tablet is an opportunity to try some new professional practices. At first it could be a good idea to define a specific area for the tablet (on a tripod for example).

The Chronicles of Narnia. Andrew Adamson. 2005.

5. At first, you keep the control of the tablet. But you have to let the tablet in the students hands as soon as possible ! Tablet has to become a daily tools of your teaching style.

Karate Kid. John G. Avildsen. 1984.

6. One app at the same time ! There is many apps on App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Trust PE colleagues. You'll find a lot of test and benchmarks on some specific websites.

Minority Report. Steven Spielberg. 2002.

7. Video : a gateway ! It's so easy to use the video sensor of tablets. With a tripod, you could easily give video feedbacks to all of your students.

Super 8. J. J. Abrams. 2011.

8. Take your time: running solves nothing. Integrating tablet in professional practices take time and some steps have been defined by Ruben Puentedura (SAMR model).

Forrest Gump. Robert Zemeckis. 1994.

9. Stay connected ! A lot of colleagues are sharing their work on some blog or website. Feel free to on twitter, this is THE social network of teachers.

The Social Network. David Fincher. 2010.

10. Let's try. It's a win-win process with your students !

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