What is Breakout Edu?
Cultivate Critical thinking and creativity in your students with Breakout Edu's immersive and team oriented approach to education.
The game begins with students searching for and solving clues.
Students use critical thinking skills, content knowledge, teamwork, and the available tools to solve the clues.
As the clues are solved students will begin to discover the codes to open the locks. Opening some locks will lead to more clues.
Eventually, students will discover the codes for all of the locks and they will be able to open the box.
What are the Benefits of using Breakout Edu?
Get Started Using Breakout Edu
- Visit the website to explore all the games
Ask the librarians for the password
- Once you pick a game follow the video and written instructions to create all the necessary materials.
- Check out up to 4 boxes and the locks from the library.
You can reserve space in the library to play the game or play in your classroom.
- Run the game.
Contact Erin Walter-Lerman with any questions you have about Brekaout Edu. Stop by the library or email her at emwalterlerm@fcps.edu
All materials are ready for the games below
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Ask the librarians for the password
Games Without Video Instruction