Georgia,founded in 1732 JOHNATHAN STEPHENS

James Oglethorpe

He found Georgia colony with other colonist.

They named the colony after King George the second.


There religion was Anglican and baptist.

They were not dominated by a single religion which gave way more liberal attitudes and some religious freedom.


There climate was the warmest and winters not difficult to survive. Very hot and humid gave diseases. They had swamp areas with large forests.

They had fertile soil and hilly coastal plains with plenty of forests.

The climate made it hard to grow crops and was the warmest out of the other regions.


They had slave plantations for their tobacco, rice ,cotton, and many other things.

They traded a lot of tobacco and many other things so they had exports and imports from other countries.

They also traded crops for shoes, leather, and things that can not be made on plantations


Created with images by Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the BPL - "A general map of the southern British colonies, in America" • Jason Riedy - "Landing of Oglethorpe and the Colonists" • Robert Cutts (pandrcutts) - "St John the Baptist's Church, Lynmouth" • leighklotz - "Honey Island Swamp" • TradingCardsNPS - "Skilled African Labor"


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