Meet the Winners
In June, we held our inaugural Innovators' Breakfast to celebrate 100% Talent Compact signers advancing women in the workplace through innovative initiatives and effective practices. Following a competitive application process, we reviewed dozens of submissions by diverse employers in size and in industry.
We are thrilled to present you with a series of profiles that take a deeper dive into the winning initiatives. BWWC's Marketing and Events Manager, Joana Ortiz (JO) conducted one-on-one interviews with each winner to learn more about their origin stories, challenges faced, myths debunked, and much more.
In addition to sharing their profiles, we will soon release case studies detailing the employers' implementation processes. Our goal is to transform these initiatives into scalable workshops as it pertains to your own workplace. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to discuss the initiatives with winners and fellow signers. Don't forget to use our new online community as a resource and check out our upcoming events.
On behalf of Mayor Martin J. Walsh, the Office of Women's Advancement, and the Boston Women's Workforce Council, we celebrate the winners for working to make Boston the best place for working women. Meet them below.