Why Are We Here? Why Now?
- This workshop is to hold space for community members to share the successes and difficulties in talking with our families about anti-Blackness and Racism.
- This is not a traditional writing workshop. We are here to process, skill share, and troubleshoot our journey.
- You may write something (the beginning of an email, a text) but that isn't the expectation tonight. We are workshopping ourselves.
- There is no formula to doing the work, the best we can do is listen and learn from one another.
Community Guidelines
What is Said Here Stays Here, What is Learned Here Leaves Here.
Be Open
- Recognize that we don't know everything
- That we come from different backgrounds + education
- Build your racial and cultural humility
- Exercise interpersonal skills of communicating, active listening, understanding
- Moving Up & Moving Back
Take on the Role of Educator
- Share your viewpoints
- Share your resources
- Practice patience
Source: Letters for Black Lives. “Letters for Black Lives | Inaugural ENG Letter.” Youtube.com, Jul 11, 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrR-8_odGh4
This project began in response to police killings in 2016. The 2016 version has already been published and is available in writing and as audible readings, but an updated 2020 edition is in progress.
The project is crowdsourced and multilingual, creating a space for honest conversations about police violence, racial injustice and Anti-Blackness in our communities. Since it is being translated into different languages, the reach of the project extends overseas.
Thumbs up if you have written a "Letter for Black Lives," a text or e-mail trying to address the Black Lives Matters movement, Racism, and anti-Blackness with your loved ones.
Tonight's Facilitators
Sona Shah, Site Manager, Asian American Resource Center
Hanna Huang, Executive Director, Austin Asian American Film Festival
Samira Ghosh, Director of Special Projects, Asian Family Support Services of Austin
Binh Ly, Austin Public Health
Lucy Nguyen, Program Manager, Austin Asian Community Health Initiative
Tips on Engagement
- Consider which platform the recipient will be more likely to be in dialogue with you. Sometimes a text won't work, but they might be more receptive to a phone call or video chat.
- Be brief and concise – set a word limit or time limit.
- Be personal, not academic – not everyone has a strong background in Black history or ethnic studies.
- Feel free to adapt based on the audience – if the "letter" will go overseas, be sure to take that into consideration.
- Guide, don’t lecture – ground the conversation personally and locally, with the local community or the people and the context surrounding you, before going into broader subjects.
- Be focused!
- Don't forget Self-Preservation. Recognize when you've done all that you can at that moment. Acknowledge when to step back and give them the space to have the conversation within themselves.
Reconvene & Reflect
Dear Aunty and Uncle participants were asked two questions after the breakout session: What is one new thing you learned today? And what is one thing you can commit to doing after this workshop? Participants answered these questions anonymously through a Mentimeter presentation.
“Remember that consciousness is power. Consciousness is education and knowledge. Consciousness is becoming aware. It is the perfect vehicle for students. Consciousness-raising is pertinent for power, and be sure that power will not be abusively used, but used for building trust and goodwill domestically and internationally. Tomorrow's world is yours to build.”
- Yuri Kochiyama
We'd love to hear your feedback!
Created with images by NeONBRAND - "notes...." • 30daysreplay (PR & Marketing) - "Thanks for looking at my pictures. Visit now my website for more information about 30daysreplay.de (Link in Bio). Feel free to tag @30daysreplay on Instagram. Website: https://www.30daysreplay.de Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/30daysreplay/ In English: Creating Social-Media-Marketing strategies is my passion. I am your partner for image films, editing and PR. In German: Social-Media-Marketing Strategien zu erstellen ist meine Leidenschaft. Ich bin Ihr Ansprechpartner für Imagefilme, Redaktion und PR." • Vonecia Carswell - "I took this photograph of a group of ladies at a photo walk in NYC. It perfectly exemplified the unity that took place among photographers, models and creatives alike. Shout out to International Women’s Day." • David Becker - "Sunset on a nice evening" • Alex Ware - "untitled image" • Patrick Perkins - "From a naming brainstorm at a talk"