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community, family, friends always

February is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month

Mark Your Calendars!

our schedule

* Click on the LINK & move the cursor over each Service or Event for more information, including time(s).

our leadership


* Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf, and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant

* EDITORIAL NOTE - You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.

photograph credits

• Terry Cutler • Leslie Kizner • Mark Rand • Meryl Root •

Rabbi Randy Sheinberg


  • As I write these words, we are beginning our reading of the Book of Exodus. Just a few days ago we read the story of Moses encountering God at the burning bush. When God tells Moses that he must be the one to return to Egypt, confront Pharaoh, and free his people from slavery, Moses protests. He says, “Please God, I have never been a man of words…I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” (Exodus 4.10) The meaning of the Hebrew phrase “kaved peh v’kaved lashon,” translated here as “slow of speech and slow of tongue,” is ambiguous. Some interpret it to refer to Moses’s own insecurity. He lacks confidence in his public speaking and leadership abilities, and describes that lack of confidence metaphorically. Others say that the phrase means that Moses is a stutterer - although he is physically capable of speaking clearly, he is psychologically so afraid to speak in public that he stutters when he tries to do so. Still others claim that Moses has a physical deformity, that his lips are misshapen and thus he cannot pronounce words clearly.
  • Why does God choose Moses for the task of speaking for the Jewish people, given his challenge speaking? The Torah is silent on this question. However, perhaps it is to remind us that no one of us is ‘perfect’, that one needn’t fit the mold of the ideal to be essential to our common story. Making Moses the leader of the Jewish people challenges us to remember that Jews with disabilities are not only nice to have in our communities; they can be central figures, play leadership roles, and bring something to us that others cannot.
  • Just as there are different interpretations of Moses’s disability/imperfection, so too there are many different kinds of disabilities. Each one challenges us in a different way. Some disabilities, like Moses’s deformed lips, are completely visible to others. Other disabilities, such as some psychological disorders or learning disabilities, are less visible. Still other disabilities may be completely invisible to other people.
  • Here at Temple Tikvah, we have taken many steps towards recognizing and addressing the needs of those with visible disabilities. We have a reading table on our bimah that can be lowered for those of different heights or those in a wheelchair. We have a ramp that provides easier access to the bimah to those who cannot easily maneuver steps. We have a lift that connects the three floors of our building. We also have made available large print Torah commentaries and prayer books for those whose sight may be impaired, as well as hearing devices to help those with hearing disabilities.
  • While we have made strides in addressing the needs of people with visible disabilities in our midst, we have not fared as well with the hidden disabilities. And we need to do better. According to the World Health Organization, one billion people worldwide live with some kind of disability, and one U.S. Survey found that 74% of those with disabilities do not use a wheelchair or anything else that might visually signal their impairment to the outside world.
  • How can we better address the needs of those with hidden disabilities? We can begin by recognizing that what we perceive may not tell the full story. If someone asks for special accommodations or makes a request that seems unreasonable, we can reserve judgment until we know the facts. We can give them the benefit of the doubt, meet their needs, and invite them to share their story and struggle with us. If we open ourselves to each other’s suffering, without judgment, we will all be freer.
  • February is JDAIM, Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month. For more than a decade, much of the worldwide Jewish Community has observed this month as a time to raise disability awareness and recommit to our efforts to foster inclusion in Jewish Communities Worldwide. To mark JDAIM this year, Temple Tikvah is proud to welcome our guest speaker, Sam Drazin to teach us and help further our commitment and ability to create a more inclusive Temple Community. Throughout the weekend of February 7th – 9th, Sam will share with us his experience as a disabled individual born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a rare congenital disorder resulting in both facial anomaly and hearing loss. I look forward to learning from him, and to working with you to make our Temple an inclusive, holy space for all of us.


Cantor Guy Bonné

where words fail, music speaks


  • In my last article I tried to simplify the complexity of the dilemma surrounding Israelis and Palestinians. The conclusion in my last article included two options. A one state solution, in which the West Bank would be annexed to Israel, thereby creating a single state for all its citizens. The second option is a territorial partition, which will enable Palestine to be a separate state, existing side-by-side with Israel.
  • I have elaborated on the thought ‏that a bi-national state, where all citizens are equal regardless of national or ethnic identity, sounds like a utopia. The bloody background and fundamental hatred between Israelis and Palestinians seem permanent at this time. It will take many years and much effort on both sides in order to edify the relationship between the two nations, if at all possible. A more practical reason why a bi-national state solution is impossible is the demographic statistics. It shows that in the future the Palestinian population would definitely outnumber the Jewish population and therefore will inevitably crush the Zionist dream. There is yet another form for a bi-national state, supported mainly by the right-wing in Israel, in which Jews and Palestinians live side-by-side without giving the Palestinians equal rights. This inevitably would create a situation similar to the apartheid in South Africa and therefore inconceivable.
  • The territorial partition, as overwhelmingly problematic and complex as it is, seems to be the only rational solution. There are practical, as well as obvious problems that this situation raises. Some have to do with security, like the danger of missiles being easily launched from the mountain area of the West Bank into the dense, susceptible Coastal Plains of Israel; or the danger of the center of Israel being divided into two at its narrow neck in time of war; not to mention the problem of the danger of uprisings by Jewish settlers and extreme right wing groups, which will unquestionably take place as a result of having given away a piece of the Holy Land. All of these issues need to be addressed with much creativity, cleverness, and sensible foresight. There definitely must be an intervention of other nations in this process as a “safety net” to ensure the safety of Israel from terror attacks.
  • My own failure to be objective (I am determined to try), is the result of the fear so permanently implanted in me, fueled by experiences of devastating Palestinian terror attacks. I did have the horrifying experience of hearing the suicide bombers explosions in Tel Aviv, followed by the horrors broadcasted in television. Fear must be overcome by the Palestinians as well. My service in the military, which took place mainly in the territories during the first Intifada, had an enormous impact on me. My conclusion was that military dealing with civilians inevitably causes many injustices while morally scaring the soldiers. The hardest challenge then, as in any dispute, is overcoming fear.


Temple Co-Presidents

andrea comerchero & lisa lupo


  • Our Temple Community has a lot going for it…as it is led by our warm and caring Clergy, who lead our spiritual, uplifting, and musical Services; our Religious School is thriving; we offer many meaningful adult learning opportunities; and our Choir is active and vibrant. In summary, we have truly created A House of Worship That Feels Like Home.
  • In our first Tikvah Times article as Co-Presidents, we want to let you know how much we are looking forward to continuing to move from strength to strength and build our Temple Community in new and positive ways.
  • As always, there is a lot to do and we have hit the ground running – developing some new task forces, forming new committees, and refreshing existing ones. Help comes in all shapes and sizes, so please let us know how you want to get involved and what you are interested in.
  • In addition…if you have not been to Temple lately, we encourage you to attend a Friday Night Service, come to a Monthly Congregational Shabbat Dinner or take advantage of the many other learning and social activities taking place at Temple.
  • February is Jewish Disabilities Month and this year our Scholar in Residence is Sam Drazin. Sam was born with a cranial facial disorder and hearing loss. We invite you to attend our February 8th Lunch & Learn, where Sam will inspire you with the story of his life with a facial difference. His experience closely relates to the best-selling book, Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
  • We want to hear from you! Please feel free to reach out to us with your ideas or if you just need a listening ear by email at and


religious school

Education Director - Sharon Fricano


  • February is a short month for Religious School; however, we still have a lot going on. On February 7th Grades 2/3 will lead our Family Service. Please join us for a Congregational Shabbat Dinner at 6:15pm followed by our Family Service at 7:30pm.
  • We would like to welcome Alan and Rachel Lefcof and their three sons Austin, Alex, and Sebastian to our Temple Tikvah Family!
  • The following students will participate in the February 7th Family Service: Charlotte Faulkner, Jeremy Heron, Alexander Lefcof, Sebastian Lefcof, Hope O’Donnell, Ella Oglesby, Will Spiegelman, Jaci Gries, Gabriela Escobar, Abigail Horowitz, and Asher Samuels.
  • As part of our focus on Jewish Disabilities Month, please join us on Saturday, February 8th for an inspiring Lunch & Learn Program with Sam Drazin. Sam was born with a rare congenital disorder resulting in facial anomaly and hearing loss. He will share his story and facilitate meaningful conversations about what it means to be different.
  • We will start the day with a Child-friendly Sensory Shabbat Service followed by lunch. Sam will present to adults and teens, while Cheryl Stern will hold a Parallel Program for our younger students. Following the program, we will join together for a festive dessert oneg. Sam will present to the students during Sunday Religious School. For more information, please refer to the flyer at the beginning of this Issue.
  • February Events: February 1st – Junior Congregation at 9:30am • February 2nd – Chai School, Mitzvah Choir • February 8th – Inclusion Family Shabbat Program and Adult Lunch & Learn with Sam Drazin; Parallel Youth Program • February 9th – Sam Drazin at Religious School • February 16th-23rd – Religious School will be closed for Mid-winter Recess • February 25th - Tutoring will resume

END NOTES - Please mark your calendars for our Purim Family Program and Carnival on Sunday, March 8th and our Annual Purim Shpiel on Monday Night, March 9th.

Early Childhood - Nuccia Hernan

Director of Youth & Family Engagement - Cheryl Stern

Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month

Friday Night Dinners

planned at 6:15PM

• February 7th - Grades 2/3 Service • March 13th - Kindergarten & Grade 1 Service • April 3rd - New Member Dinner • May 1st - Sisterhood Shabbat • June 12th - High School Graduation


President - Marc Gold


  • Brotherhood will sponsor its Annual Defensive Driving Course on February 2nd...which we all know is Super Bowl Sunday. The class has sold out, which is pretty common each year. Temple members, as well as family members, friends, and people from outside of our Temple Family usually attend. It is always a pleasant and informative class, as people get to hone their driving skills, receive point deductions, as well get the discounts on their insurance.
  • Rabbi Sheinberg has asked me to spearhead the ongoing WZO Elections for Israel. Every five years the World Zionist Organization holds elections, so that the Reform Movement can have a voice in the politics in Israel. Five years ago, the elections were quite successful, and the Reform Movement had a small voice. It must be done again. We need all our Temple Members over 18 to vote! The website to visit is Please - Vote Reform, #2 on the Ballot. See LINK below. The cost will be $7.50 to vote (administrative fee), $5.00 if under 25 online. Computers will also be available every Friday night, so that after Services you can place your vote in the Beber Auditorium, while you are noshing at the oneg. Elections are currently taking place through March 11th (Martin Luther King Day through Purim.) Please take the time and vote, as each vote is needed.
  • Keep your eyes and ears open as March 22nd approaches. Brotherhood will be sponsoring a Sunday Morning Bagel Breakfast with the theme - ”The Way It Was.” Men and women are all invited to attend this free breakfast, as we sit around sharing our childhood memories of games we played, songs we sang, and things we simply did back in the day. It should be an exciting morning of nostalgia. Please join us.
  • And in closing…February’s designated theme is accepting people with disabilities. Brotherhood endorses and supports the Scholar in Residence Program with Sam Drazin, as he visits Temple Tikvah the weekend of February 7th – 9th. There will be events Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please try to attend one or more of the events. This weekend should be an exciting and informative one at Temple.

Co-Presidents: Terry Cutler & Terry Lepzelter


  • We hope everyone enjoyed a great start to the New Year! 2020 promises to be filled with many opportunities for our Congregation to work together to better our Temple Community, as well as our community-at-large. Sisterhood is up for this challenge by providing Temple Tikvah with dedicated hearts and talented hands to make our Temple home comfortable for all who walk through our doors.
  • As you know, February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month. Judaism teaches us to help those in need by positive action. We are proud that Sisterhood has always been an advocate for people with special needs. For years we funded our Hebrew School’s Inclusion Program; providing children and their parents with resources and specially trained staff that can support their needs. Sisterhood donates to several charities and organizations that help people feel connected to each other when they are facing life challenges. We hope everyone can sincerely feel the warmth of our welcome and know that we try our best to include all who want to share our spirit and love of Judaism.
  • We want to give a big thank you to Michelle Wolf for her talent, patience, and generosity! Our 1st Paint Night was a huge success!! Everyone was surprised by their hidden talents. We are already planning another fun night with Michelle! Be sure to see the picture below of our artists showing off their masterpieces.
  • Please look for the attached flyer for our Mishloach Manot Project for Purim. This project always brings smiles to all who participate. They are such a treat to send to family and friends. Do not forget to be a Sponsor for our Temple Family as well!
  • Mark your calendars for our next fundraising event on Saturday, April 18th. We are bringing back our very successful Potluck Dinner to be paired with an entertaining guest sure to bring back happy memories and lively laughter. Look for the save the date now and a flyer to come very soon.
  • And in closing...As we all know how time flies, start thinking ahead for our May 1st Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner and Service. Look for details.




Meryl Root

Lunch & Learn: Scholar in Residence

Everyone is invited to our February Lunch & Learn which is inspired by Jewish Disabilities Month. We will host Sam Drazin on Saturday, February 8th at 11:30am in the Harris Beber Auditorium. Sam was born with a rare congenital disorder resulting in facial anomaly and hearing loss. He will share his story and facilitate meaningful conversations about what it means to be different. Our Temple’s Youth will participate in a Parallel Program and will join us for lunch and a festive dessert oneg following Sam's presentation. The lunch for this event is being sponsored by the Religious School Committee (with grant funds), however RSVPs are a must! Please RSVP to by Wednesday, February 5th.

Shabbat Morning Service

There will be a Family-friendly Sensory Shabbat Morning Service at 10:30am on Saturday, February 8th in the Sanctuary prior to Lunch & Learn. Please come and join Rabbi Sheinberg and Cantor Bonné for a Shabbat Morning Service that incorporates the senses. Everyone is welcome.

Torah Study

  • Friday Night Torah Study - ”Torah Without Skipping” with Cantor Guy Bonné will meet on February 14th and February 21st at 7:00pm.
  • Shabbat Morning Torah Study - Continues every Saturday at 9:00am in the Loretta & George Cohen Library with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We recently started Shemot, The Book of Exodus and will continue with that through the month of February. See how this ancient book is still relevant today. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome.

Adult Hebrew Class

Adult Hebrew Class is now in its tenth year! Classes continue on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:15pm with Cantor Guy Bonné. The Cantor is delighted that the class has grown, and we welcome you to also join us. If you are interested in having some fun while learning Hebrew and about Israel, then this is the class for you. This year we will focus on speaking more so that we can talk to the Israeli taxi driver on our next trip! The atmosphere is relaxed and there is plenty of reviewing. Please speak to Cantor Bonné for more details.

Weekday Cinema

On Tuesday, February 11th at 1:00pm we will be screening Sophie Scholl, The Final Days. This is the true story of Germany's most famous anti-Nazi heroine, Sophie Scholl, the fearless activist of the underground student resistance group, The White Rose. The last six days of Sophie Scholl's life in 1943 Munich are dramatized from her arrest to interrogation and from her trial to sentencing. Unwavering in her convictions and loyalty to her comrades, her cross-examination by the Gestapo quickly escalates into a searing test of wills as Scholl delivers a passionate call to freedom and personal responsibility that is both haunting and timeless. The film is in German with English subtitles and runs 117 minutes. Please RSVP ( to let us know to expect you.

Caring community

Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut


  • We hope everyone enjoyed the many holiday celebrations over the past few months, and that the lights of Hanukah are still burning brightly in your memory. We also hope that 2020 has started off well for everyone, and if you made any New Year Resolutions, that you have not broken any yet.
  • Due to holidays, weather, and other circumstances our Group has not met for a while. We have, however been in touch with some Congregants to let them know we are thinking of them and have communicated WE CARE.
  • We would like to share a phone conversation that we recently received, and we are asking for your assistance. A Congregant, who no longer drives has asked for a "dinner partner." The Congregant would like to be picked up and taken out to a restaurant for dinner, dinner is his treat. If you have the time and want to do this mitzvah, please call Helene Schonhaut at 718.468.0773 for more information.
  • The above request has come during the timeframe when we will be highlighting Disability Inclusion in Our Jewish Communities, which we are sure you will agree should be all year round, not just in February. For your review, below are some suggestions on how to go about doing this...Listen to People with Disabilities - Take your lead from them. Being an ally is not about taking charge – it is about being willing to learn from people with disabilities and modeling your inclusion and advocacy efforts based on their priorities and feedback...Work for Inclusion in Your Own Community - All communities should be inclusive of people with disabilities, but most were not built with them in mind. While it is important to remove physical barriers to people with disabilities, it is just as important – if not more so – to change attitudes toward people with disabilities. It is also important to understand that “disability” is a broad term that encompasses more than just physical disabilities; we must also work to ensure that people with mental disabilities are fully integrated into our communities...Advocate for Disability Rights - February is Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), a unified initiative to raise disability awareness and support efforts to foster inclusion in Jewish communities worldwide. The Union for Reform Judaism is proud of its Presidential Initiative on Disabilities Inclusion, an ongoing effort to ensure full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in every aspect of Reform Jewish life. Visit the Disabilities Inclusion Learning Center to learn more.
  • The Evening & Afternoon Book Clubs - The next Evening Book Club will be meeting on Wednesday, February 12th at 7:00pm and they will be reviewing Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari & the next Afternoon Book Club will be meeting on Thursday, February 27th at 1:00pm and will be reviewing The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes.
  • The Creative Writing Course is also continuing, and future dates can be found in the upcoming Congregational Emails.

END NOTESThere will be no Caring Community Committee Meeting in February...We are looking forward to hearing back from you regarding going out to dinner with a lovely, intelligent gentleman. Thank you in advance for your anticipated mitzvah.

gratitude always

  • CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Gloria & Larry Konstan and June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Richard Arkin • Arlene Sheff in memory of Richard Arkin and George Glick • Shirley Snyder in memory of Dina Zavlick
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Ann Arkin • Esther Krichevsky in appreciation of Rabbi Sheinberg’s kindness • Susan & Burt Schall and Muriel Adler in memory of George Glick • Joan Schuster in memory of Dina Zavlick
  • RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND: Barbara Rosenthal in memory of Dina Zavlick
  • SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Hanna & Abe Kormas in memory of Dina Zavlick
  • SHMIRA (Security Fund): Joan Wiener in honor of her granddaughter Lindsay’s Birthday & in memory of her husband, Stanley Wiener
  • SIMCHA FUND: Ruth Selig for the Bat Mitzvah Project of Cecelia Bersch • Helaine & Ed Schachter for Giving Tuesday, in honor of Seyla Raine Gold, and in honor of Brooke Ryleigh Levine
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Karla Adasse in memory of Ada and Karl Schmidlin, and Mary Adasse • Sharon Adler in memory of Jacob Adler • Howard Bailen in memory of Burton Bailen • Lorraine & Lester Bertan in memory of Anna Appel and Howard Bertan • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim in memory of Etta Eisman • Sylvia & Arnold Bloch in memory of Stanley H. Bloch • Brotherhood in memory of George Glick and Derrick Heron • Mindy & Mark Daniels in memory Gerard A. Daniels • Carol Fenves & Isaac Yavetz in memory of Osnat Yavetz • Fran Fredrick in memory of Daniel Markweich • Judith & Mitchell Friedman in memory Arnold Herroit • Judith Gilbert in memory of Dr. Stewart Glick • Mickey Gilsen in memory of Jennifer Gilsen • Michele & Marc Gold in memory of Edith and Murray Reiss, and Rose and Abraham Cohen • Muriel Gorochow & Family in memory of Harold Gorochow • Andrew Hollander in memory of Ruth Hollander • Phyllis & Joe Horne in memory of Richard Arkin, Morris Cantos, and George Glick • Phyllis & Michael Jacoby in memory of Sylvia Beatus • Carole Kaplan in memory of Edward Kaplan • Judith & Joseph Kirchner in memory of Emil Rosenberg and George Glick • Leslie Kizner in memory of Arthur Poselle, Louis Kizner, and Sol Sanford Poselle • Judy & Sol Lefkowitz in memory of Abraham Lefkowitz • Lisa Selkin Lupo in memory of Lewis Schneider • Barbara & Joe Massey in memory of Charlotte Freedman • Lynn Moser in memory of Alla Okun • Margery & Edward Orenstein in memory of Deborah Orenstein • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory of Ethel Brooks and Dina Zavlick • Sandy & David Peskin in memory of Esther and Benjamin Peskin • Sandy Portnoy in memory of Rosalie Margolin • Phyllis & Richard Ravens in memory of Morris Barocas • Phyllis Richards in memory Sadie Soloshatz • Lori Robbins in memory of Arthur W. Eckman • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg in memory of Shirley Bach • Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Richard Arkin and Morris Cantos • Susan & Burt Schall in memory of Jean and William Wald • June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Ben Millstein • Doris & Irving Silberman in memory of Evelyn Goodman • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of May Goldberg • Karen Stern in memory of Stanley Stern • Roslyn & Burton Tropp in memory of Max Goldman and Sol Tropp • Irene Heimrath & Stanley Zorn in memory of Leonard Albert and Oscar Riegelhaupt

A Special Note of Gratitude :

I would like to express my appreciation for all the concern and sympathy expressed during my Brother’s illness and passing. It is comforting to know that this Congregation is so supportive and helpful during difficult times…Thank you, Phyllis Richards


  • CHESED: Barbara Silberman • Ken & Neela Weber
  • TZEDEKAH: Elaine R. Farber • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTORS: Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Alan Fogelman & Susan Feinblatt • Carole Kaplan • Cheryl & Steven Levine • Kent & Susan Moston • Sandra & David Peskin • Jeffrey & Teresa Weisbrot
  • PATRONS: Helen & Bob Bader • Brotherhood of Temple Tikvah • Arline & Jack Cazes • Jeannette & Charles Golden • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Andrea & Doug King • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSORS: Anonymous • Maureen & Steve Berman • Rabbi Randy Sheinberg & Dr. Martin Cohen • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • The Diamond Family • Martin & Susan Fox • Marc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Joe & Judy Kirschner • The Klig Family • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Robin & Mark Mandell • Arlene Sheff • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONORS: Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • The Birnbach Family • Cynthia & Joseph Bettelheim • Sharon Bibergal • Bernice Bloch • Henry Bloch • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Anonymous • Beth Feldman Curcio • Merle Fishkin • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Libby Glowatz • Vivian Goldbaum & Dr. Norman Feder • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Susan & Marty Goldschmidt • Anonymous • Helene & Howard Hecht • Dean & Sebastiana (Nuccia) Hernan • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Irene Horn • Phyllis & Joe Horne • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Estelle Magidson • Barbara & Joe Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Oscrow • Robert Peskin (non-member) • Phyllis Richards • Helaine & Ed Schacter • Burton & Susan Schall • Rosalyn Schwartz • June & Jack Schwarz • Ruth Selig • Claire Shapiro • Lenore & Barry Stein • Roslyn & Burton Tropp • Leo & Jane Tujack • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Joan Wiener • Sandra Witt (non-member) • Laurence & Aki Wolfson • Carol Fenves & Isaac Yavetz • Gale & Howard Zeidman • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANTS: Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Lois & Andrew Baron • George & Jeanie Berger • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Anonymous • Brenda & Mark Brody • Barbara & Fred Fleisher • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Lori & Mark Gordon • Muriel Gorochow • Linda Kamalic • Dorothy Kellner (non-member) • Leslie Kizner • Erika Korpacz (no-member) • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Helen Lipson • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Gail & Michael Meisel • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Anonymous • Sandy Portnoy • Susan & George Prinz • Rachel Raphael-Kupferburg • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg • Richard Roth (non-member) • Jaynie Rudnick • Alene Schonhaut • Susan, Irwin & Alex Schneider • Anonymous • Shirley Snyder • Carol & Amram Weiner • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Elaine Zipser

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss


  • February is a month to reflect on Jewish values, and the questions and issues related to people with disabilities. In considering the connections between our values as Jews and our actions, we could discuss the following from Proverbs 31.8: “Speak up for those who cannot speak…speak up, judge righteously, champion the poor and the needy.” Within the considerations of the Social Action Committee of Temple Tikvah we try to address the needs of many, not just in terms of poverty or illness, but all kinds of “needs.”
  • As mentioned in our January Column, we are organizing a Food Policy Committee at Temple to think about and plan what we do at Temple in relation to food, and how what we do impacts our lives and our world. At our most recent meeting, on January 26th we reported on a January 6th 2020 Meeting held with other member congregations of RAC-NY (The Religious Action Center’s NYS Regional offshoot) to explore what legislative issue we hope to nurture to fruition. Last year we helped the “Green Light” Campaign to succeed which enabled undocumented immigrants to get a NYS driver’s license. We plan to continue working within this larger state umbrella group to address other issues.
  • Another Jewish tradition is to ensure equal access for all and facilitate full participation of individuals with disabilities in religious and public life. We hope you take part in one or more of the activities planned for the February 7th – 9th Weekend when Sam Drazin will be the Scholar in Residence at Temple. Perhaps the experience will inspire further consideration of and conversation about how we “cherish each and every life,” how we “support every struggle for dignity and justice,” and how our Temple Community can “work directly with each person and family to find out what they need to learn, pray, find friends, and feel a sense of belonging.” Related to that, we have continued our connections to the Immigrant Justice and the Environmental and Climate Justice Cohorts of the Religious Action Center to learn about what we can do in our efforts to repair the world.
  • We hope you will join us at the next Social Action Meeting on Sunday, March 15th 2020 at 10:30am. Whether or not you are able to come to our meetings, we welcome your involvement and appreciate information or suggestions you wish to share. Please feel free to contact any us: Elaine Brooks - 718.217.6065, Judy Kirschner – 917.270.2705, Elaine Weiss – 917.658.4955


in loving memory





Created with images by FotoRieth - "challah shabbat challah board" • Priscilla Du Preez - "untitled image" • exoteric - "sundial clock old"
