Trip Rating: 5/5
I was offered the chance to tag along on a white water trip in the Elora Gorge. Being the adventurer I am, I jumped at the opportunity. I have been coming to Elora ever since my wife and I started dating. We spent our first vacation there together, camping in the park. To say the least, it is a special place to us. So much so, we named our daughter Abbey Elora.
This post is going to follow a slightly different format. I wouldn’t go in here alone, so I wouldn’t be comfortable detailing it for others. If you do want to go, I highly suggest joining the Guelph Kayaking Club, or at very least, finding an experienced guide to take you.
This is a legitimate whitewater course. In the fall, it is a CII/CIII level and in the spring, it could challenge even the most seasoned professionals. Again, do not risk harm by going in alone.
The guys gave me a quick lesson on the basics of the Gorge and we went upstream to do a warm-up in what they referred to as the waterfall below the “Tooth of Time”
Wait, what?? A waterfall…..The Tooth of Time???
Well, it was as amazing as it sounded.
The story that was given to me is there had been a serious accident on this stretch with a long time paddler in the gorge named Curtis. After running it myself, I can see how that could happen, its a stark reminder how careful you need to be on the water.
I feel lucky to have the opportunity to spend the day with such a great bunch of guys learning about the Gorge and whitewater kayaking. Looking forward to my next invite.