Genetically Modified Soybeans Tess Rutherford

Genetically modified soybeans, also known as Roundup Ready Soybeans, incorporate a soil bacterium gene that helps the beans be more tolerant of herbicides. Soybeans were getting harmed when glyphosate was involved; a main ingredient in herbicide. Glyphosate blocks the EPSPS enzyme in order to kill weeds and other plants that aren't needed. So, it was important soybeans grew tolerant quickly.

These types of soybeans were created by the company Monsanto. Soybeans were sensitive to glyphosate, an important ingredient in herbicide, so they were getting harmed. Soybeans are used worldwide in many different ways, so it had to be fixed. That's how genetically modified soybeans came to be.

GMOs can be both good and bad for the environment and the people living on it. On the good side, they enable farms to get food to stores faster than before. They also create an abundance of healthier food. Not only that, but the food is resistant to incects, as mentioned with the soybeans above. Without all of this, food would be a lot more different than what we see in stores today.
On the other hand, GMOs aren't always so great. They aren't labeled in stores so people don't know what they're eating. On top of that, if the food isn't labeled, there's a high chance for allergic reactions. If someone was allergic to one of the proteins that were put into the food they're buying, they would have no idea. Also, the genetically modified organisms could make it out into the wild and become an invasive species.
In my own personal opinion, I believe that GMOs should continue to be grown. Perhaps there should be labels on the food, but in the grand scheme of things, I believe it's better to have genetically modified food. Besides, we expect to see GMOs in stores. It's what we've always seen. If food started turning up much smaller and it was harder to buy, not everyone would be happy. And if people are truly against growing food like this, there are stores that label and don't sell GMOs.
Created By
Tess Rutherford


Created with images by Eric Hossinger - "Rapeseed field barn, Cotswold, UK" • jcesar2015 - "soy hairs pods" • 1737576 - "soybean hand agro" • UnitedSoybeanBoard - "Soybeans Ready for Harvest" • wattpublishing - "Soybeans" • jcesar2015 - "plants soybean soy" • PublicDomainPictures - "tulips flowers yellow" • Hans - "muscari common grape hyacinth blossom" • grassrootsgroundswell - "House Leek"


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