color, unity & form color definitions

Words describing the structure of color.

Hue. Intensity. Value. Tone. Tint. Shade. Complementary. Analogous. Achromatic. Warm. Cool.

Blue Nude Illuminated. 2016. Pastel. 5.25" x 9.5." Casey Klahn.

Since we know that pictures have structure, or design logic, we often use the phrase linear composition. Equal to this we may describe the color composition of a painting. We use phrases like triadic color compositions, split triads, analogous colors, monochromatic designs; also we describe tonalist and colorist styles.

How do you add or subtract energy from a color design? What are harmonious colors?

How do unity and form differ from one another? What is the relationship between drawing and color?

The basic building blocks of color are hue, value and intensity.

Cover Artwork: Bather on a Round Basin. 2015. Oil, Soft Pastel, Charcoal & Figment on Paper. 12.25" x 12.25." Casey Klahn.


A Coastal River. 2016. Pastel & Oil. @8" x 9." Casey Klahn.
Created By
Casey Klahn

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