Global investment and action are keeping malaria cases and deaths at historically low levels and more countries than ever are within reach of elimination. However, malaria is increasingly a disease of poverty and inequity, with the most vulnerable at greatest risk of dying.
According to this year’s World Health Organisations World Malaria Report, malaria continues to strike hardest against pregnant women and children in Africa, and we must accelerate the rate of progress in the next few years to reach ambitious targets toward reaching zero malaria. We cannot leave anyone behind. Stepping up the fight is critical to stay ahead of an evolving parasite to ensure that we end malaria for good.
With the launch of the report on Wednesday 4th December, we encourage all partners to help us promote the report findings and amplify a common narrative and unified messaging. You can do this by sharing content including posts, photographs and infographics on your social media channels.
This toolkit has some suggested posts for you to use. Further collateral such as social media cards are currently being developed and will be uploaded to this toolkit as soon as possible.
The RBM Partnership to End Malaria has developed a press statement, a messaging document (in English and in French) and Q&A’s which are available for all partners to use. Click here to download these media materials once available.
The World Health Organization’s media materials are also available to view here.
- #WorldMalariaReport
- #malaria
- #endmalaria
- #StepUpTheFight
- #ZeroMalariaStartsWithMe
- #endepidemics
- #savelives
Below are some useful partner and malaria champion social media handles, which can be included in relevant social posts.
- @endmalaria
- @WHO
- @gatesfoundation
- @APLMA_Malaria
- @unfoundation
- @nothingbutnets
- @ALMA_2030
- @MalariaNoMore
- @MalariaNoMoreUK
- @SpeakUpAfrica1
- @PMIgov
- @MedsforMalaria
- @FightingMalaria
- @CS4MEglobal
- @dourahsante
- @DrTedros
- @GovUganda
- @TwitterIndia
- @RBMPartnership
- @WHO
- @TheGlobalFund
- @gatesfoundation
- @MFAP2030
- @unitednationsfoundation
- @NothingButNets
- @AfricanLeaders
- @malarianomore
- @MalarianoMoreUK
- @SpeakUpAfrica
- @medicinesformalaria
- @CS4ME
- @DrTedros.Official
- @govuganda
Below is a selection of suggested posts that you can share when discussing the World Malaria Report. We also encourage partners to post about the day, share and interact with our posts, and tag us @endmalaria (Twitter) or @RBMPartnership (Facebook) in all relevant social media activity around the release of the report on December 4.
- Congratulations to 🇹🇱, 🇮🇷 and 🇲🇾 for achieving #zeromalaria in 2018! The @WHO #WorldMalariaReport shows us more countries than ever are approaching #malaria elimination. By working together, we can be the generation to #endmalaria once and for all. https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
- The first #WorldMalariaReport was published in 2008. Over a decade later, how much progress have we made to #endmalaria? Find out in this year’s #WorldMalariaReport: https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47
- Today marks the launch of this year’s @WHO #WorldMalariaReport, which shows fantastic progress in many regions, yet more must still be done in the fight against the world’s deadliest creature. 🦟 Make sure you read more here! https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47
- The @WHO #WorldMalariaReport shows #malaria is increasingly a disease of #poverty and #inequity, with the most vulnerable – women and young children under 5 - at greatest risk of dying from a mosquito bite. Let’s be the generation to #endmalaria once and for all! @UNICEF
- The #malaria parasite and vector are evolving. We must step up investment for researching, developing and scaling up transformative tools to stay ahead of the mosquito 🦟, the parasite and the vector. Read the latest @WHO #WorldMalariaReport here: https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47
- Progress against #malaria is possible. We have proven this over the last decade. As the #WorldMalariaReport shows, it’s not yet time to step back and relax, with half the world still at risk from #malaria. 🌍 To achieve our ambitious targets, we need to increase commitment and accelerate progress. @WHO https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
- For the past year, the 11 countries with the highest #malaria burden in the world have been working to #endmalaria through the country-led #HighBurdentoHighImpact approach from @RBMPartnership and @WHO. Find out more here: https://bit.ly/2OtEnZx
- Last year, around 11 million pregnant women in sub-Sarahan Africa were infected by #malaria – that is 29% of all pregnancies! More needs to be done to protect women and their unborn babies from the deadly mosquito. 🦟 #endmalaria https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47
- Over the last decade, 23 countries have achieved #zeromalaria cases. 🌍 Success is possible, and more countries than ever before can #endmalaria. Find out more about recent progress is this year’s @WHO #WorldMalariaReport: https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47
- According to the @WHO #WorldMalariaReport an estimated 180,000 fewer people died from #malaria in 2018 than in 2000. Global investment and action 🌍 has been crucial to keeping malaria cases and deaths at historically low levels! https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
- Whilst #malaria deaths in children under 5 dropped last year, this year’s @WHO #WorldMalariaReport shows that this group still accounts for 67% of all #malaria deaths worldwide. We must be the generation to protect these children. #endmalaria
- Two high-burden countries achieved signification reductions in malaria cases between 2017 and 2018! Congratulations to India 🇮🇳 and Uganda 🇺🇬 for these great achievements 🎉 taking us one step closer to a malaria-free world. #WorldMalariaReport
- Do you know that children under five account for 67% of #malaria deaths, that’s two thirds of malaria deaths worldwide? More must be done to protect the world’s most vulnerable children. Will you join us in stepping up the fight?
- This year’s @WHO #WorldMalariaReport shows that the Greater Mekong Subregion has achieved remarkable success against #malaria! In a region where resistance poses a huge challenge, the number of cases has fallen by 76% since 2010 and deaths have plummeted by 95% - Congratulations!
- Today marks the launch of this year’s @WHO #WorldMalariaReport – which shows that more must be done in the fight against the world’s deadliest creature. 🦟Make sure you read the latest insights from this year’s report and our statement here https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
- The benefits of #malaria eradication 🏥 will greatly exceed the investment needed to reach it. Launched today, the World Malaria Report 2019 from the @WHO highlights that global investment and action are keeping malaria cases and deaths at historically low levels. However, stepped up action is critical to stay ahead of an evolving parasite and vector, save and improve millions more lives and unlock trillions of dollars in economic potential, and achieve a malaria-free world within a generation. https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
- Progress is possible. We have proven this over the last two decadesThis year’s @WHO World Malaria Report shows that global investment and action 🌍 has been crucial to keeping malaria cases and deaths at historically low levels! Find out more about the latest progress against malaria in this year’s report: https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47, with over 7 million lives saved and more than 1 billion cases prevented.
- Universal Health Care is vital to malaria elimination success 🏥. Yet, according to the latest @WHO World Malaria Report, the most vulnerable populations do not have access to the tools they need to prevent and treat malaria. Read the full report now to find out more: https://bit.ly/2Pbiv47
- To reach those at greatest risk of #malaria, we must increase funding. The latest @WHO World Malaria Report highlights the need to close the $2 billion a year funding gap needed to provide life-saving tools to end malaria and save lives. We must now increase commitment and engage people at every level. Join us in saying Zero Malaria Starts with Me and working towards a malaria-free world! https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
- Two high-burden countries achieved significant reductions in malaria cases between 2017 and 2018! Congratulations to India 🇮🇳 and Uganda 🇺🇬 for these great achievements 🎉 The Greater Mekong Subregion has achieved remarkable success against malaria too. In a region where resistance poses a huge challenge, the number of cases has fallen by 76% since 2000, with deaths plummeting by 95%! Launched last year, the High Burden to High Impact approach, catalysed by @RBMPartnership and WHO, is helping more high-burden countries to lead a country-led response to #malaria. Find out more here: https://bit.ly/2OtEnZx
- This year’s WHO World Malaria Report shows that malaria is increasingly a disease of poverty and inequality, with the most vulnerable – women and young children under 5 at greatest risk of dying from a mosquito bite. In fact, almost 11 million pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa were infected by malaria and children under 5 account for 67% of all malaria deaths worldwide! We need to continue to prioritise reaching the most vulnerable https://bit.ly/2DGBXjX
A number of social media graphics and infographics have been developed for you to use in social media content relating to the World Malaria Report 2019:
In addition, the following secondary assets can be used to accompany social media activity:
Zero Malaria Starts with Me film – Short RBM video explaining the Zero Malaria starts with Me movement
High burden to high impact: A targeted malaria response – explainer video of The World Health Organisation and the RBM Partnership to End Malaria’s new targeted response launched alongside the 2018 World Malaria Report
Thank you for your help and support. If you have any questions, please contact:
- RBMPartnership@grayling.com
- Website: endmalaria.org
- Facebook: @RBMPartnership
- Twitter: @endmalaria