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Saving Space for Seals and Sea Lions

California Sea Lions are commonly found hauled out on rocky outcroppings along the Southern California coast.

LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (APRIL 10, 2019) Tourists, locals, and Sea Lions share the beaches of La Jolla Cove.

Sea Lions rely on the rocks and bluffs near the coast for rest.

Because of human development, it is becoming harder for animals like Sea Lions to find seclusion.

They are very social and charismatic animals, making them a popular attraction for tourists.

Many of the areas like La Jolla that have an abundance of Sea Lions are finding it challenging to manage where and how people interact with the animals.

People are drawn to these marine mammals, mostly out of curiosity and admiration.

But, are people encroaching too much?
Sea Lions can easily become stressed by human presence.
This can dramatically affect their health and well-being.
It is important to make sure people are not excessively crowding seals and Sea Lions.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 10, 2019) California Sea Lions spend a lot of their time on land where they conserve energy by resting and warming themselves.

Harassment of marine mammals like seals and Sea Lions is illegal under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 10, 2019) Harbor Seals are attracted to the calm waters and sandy shore of the Children's Pool Beach area where a seawall built in the 1930s keeps pounding waves at bay.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 10, 2019) A Harbor Seal rests on a rocky outcropping, enjoying the protection of the railing installed along the seawall to keep people at a distance.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 10, 2019) Harbor Seals haul out on the Children's Pool Beach to give birth and raise their pups from December through May.
Harbor Seals use the nearby rocks for periods of rest.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 10, 2019) A Harbor Seal resting on the sand of Children's Pool Beach during the pupping season.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 11, 2019) A group of California Sea Lions waking up at dawn along a pedestrian walkway in La Jolla Cove.
Orange cones are used in an attempt deter the Sea Lions from public spaces.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 11, 2019) California Sea Lions gather together for warmth as they rest.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 11, 2019) Walls, fences, and cones are common methods of deterring Sea Lions from entering public areas.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 11, 2019) Two open water swimmer enter the ocean at dawn in an area heavily populated with Sea Lions.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 10, 2019) A young Harbor Seal takes a swim in the calm water of Children's Pool Beach.
LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA (April 11, 2019) A young California Sea Lion playfully splashes in the ocean with one of its adult parents.
Created By
Rick Evans


Rick Evans


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