South Carolina, Founded 1670 Ashley Trimble

Important people of South Carolina were 8 noble men, which they were known as The Lord Proprietors. Their names were Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Craven, Lord Berkeley, Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, William Berkeley, and Sir John Colleton. This group of people actually founded both Carolina's (North and South) in 1670 after being granted the land from King Charles II. The colonies of North and South Carolina eventually split into their own distinctive colonies in 1712.

During the beginning of the colony, there wasn't exactly a dominant religion that everyone followed. Although, there were 3 main religions that many people followed; the French Huguenots, the Anglicans, and the dissenters from the Church of England called the non-conformists. Many people who were seeking religious freedom came to America, especially South Carolina. It was until the early 1700's that religious freedom continued.

South Carolina's climate is subtropical with hot, humid summers, and mild winters. It tends to rain, and tornado's are common during summertime. Most of South Carolina's rivers flow from the northwest to the southeast. Soil is not very fertile here. However, more than 200 years of cotton and corn cultivation has contributed to severe soil erosion. Soil here lacks many nutrients. Though the soil lacked many nutrients, farmers found that rice grew well in these climates, helping economy tremendously.

South Carolina had an amazing economy due to cultivation of rice and animals. Since the colonies economy was booming from rice, cotton, and animals, it helped the area's settlers become competitive merchants and farmers, helping lead other colonies along and bringing more people to America; specifically South Carolina. South Carolina also captured and sold many slaves, making farmers very wealthy.

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Created with images by David Holt London - "London March 3 2014 017 National Portrait Gallery (34) King Charles II"


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