Physical water scarcity is when the resource is physical not there
Economic water scarcity is when they don't have enough money to pay for water
Rain mostly falls at the start and end of the year,December and January there is no rainfall in the central Egypt and no rain in June July August and September.That goes on throughout every year like a pattern.
Water scarcity in Egypt is caused by the heat most of the water is dirty and has illnesses or has evaporated because Africa is the second hottest place in the world.It also has a very low rainfall.
These graphs of Egypt shows that everyone lives near the water because if they lived away from the water they would be very ill andl should have to walk a long time to get to the lake.most of these graphs show that the inner parts of Egypt have water water scarcity and even near the lake/water there is still going to be very little
The environment has a lot of effects to the water in Egypt. The only way of getting fresh water justed dried up it was called the nabian sandstone aquifer and with the people living there many will become very ill.
This water scarcity is why the Egypt is all boiling hot sand and there is no trees or grass so the can't get food from crops and trees.All the people end up starving to death because af the bad water with bugs and insects in it
This graph shows that the average temperature for Egypt in July is 30 degrees and the precipitation in January is 12.0.
This graph shows that 86 percent of people use water for agriculture ,8 percent of people use water for domestic uses and 6 percent use it for industrial uses.
Well the people are trying to fix the habian sandstone dam which dried up and going to fill it up again a make it better so it doesn't evaporate so easy.Also many people every day in Egypt are moving to the outskirts of Egypt where there water instead of walking a hour a day to get bad drinking water.
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