Please take your time to log on to the Parent Portal and remind yourself of all the things that have been posted this week, thank you.
From Mrs Thompson
This has been a short week but nonetheless an action-packed one as ever. It has been such a pleasure to hear about the Year 5 adventures in Seville and how proud the staff are of their behaviour and engagement with all the opportunities offered. Leading a residential trip is no mean feat, and I am so grateful to the staff who looked after the children and made this such a memorable experience for them.
Congratulations to our footballers who distinguished themselves last weekend at St George's Park, coming runners-up at the ISA National Finals - a fantastic achievement. I am very proud of the commitment, support and teamwork they have displayed towards each other and Oakfield.
The Open Morning on Tuesday was exceptionally well-attended, and we have been delighted with the positive feedback received from the prospective families who commented on the warmth of welcome from our staff and children, the happy, calm and busy atmosphere around the school and the quality of our Year 6 tour guides who looked after them. A great team effort once again - thank you everyone! I must make special mention of Oscar and Anouk, our Head Boy and Girl, who gave brilliant speeches to our visitors, displaying such poise, maturity and sincerity - it was truly moving and inspiring to listen to them.
Mr Attwood, Mrs Cubberley Lobb and Mrs Fidler gave a superb presentation on Wednesday evening as part of our regular Parent Forum meetings. They detailed the vision, curriculum and teaching strategies for each of the Creative Arts of Music, Drama and Art and gave the opportunity to participate in some drumming and drama games. Sadly, only 9 families were represented, and I would urge you moving forwards to take fuller advantage of opportunities such as these to engage with us as we share our educational provision for your children.
Crazy Hair Day brought smiles to all our faces yesterday, and today we enjoyed 4JM's Harry Potter assembly in which they showcased outstanding English writing in different genres - a real inspiration to everyone present. 4JM and Miss Marshall left us with the thought from JK Rowling herself that: "It is important to remember that we all have magic inside us!" That was certainly true this morning.
Good luck and safe travels to our gymnasts who are off to Shropshire this weekend for the ISA National Competition.
I wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend.
Moyra Thompson
All About Minibeasts
This week, Lower Foundation have been exploring what minibeasts live underground. We found out that worms, beetles and millipedes like living in dark and moist habitats. Did you know worms are really good for your soil - by burrowing holes they allow air and water to get into the soil! The children were very excited to make wiggly worms in jelly.
We have also been looking at the concept of weight, comparing different resources to determine what is heavier and lighter. The children have thoroughly enjoyed hunting for objects to weigh. They were especially delighted when their predictions were correct!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This week in Upper Foundation we have been focusing on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have been discussing right and wrong; rules and consequences and what you should do in case you ever get lost.
We have also been writing letters of apology from Goldilocks to the bears; instructions in recipes to make porridge; speech bubbles for characters and funny 'wanted' signs.
We have been experimenting with different textures through work with clay, discussing varying sizes and comparing them.
In Maths we have been problem solving with grouping and sharing, halving and learning new vocabulary for size.
In Tapestry, we would like the children to show their understanding of halving amounts.
Next week, we will be focusing on the story of The Three Little Pigs. On Tuesday, Perform will be coming to carry out a Fairytale Workshop in school. We look forward to seeing all the Upper Foundation children in their 'Once Upon A Time' fairytale costumes. Please ensure the costumes are comfortable for the children to run and play in them.
Performing the Queen's Coronation
The Year 1 children enjoyed themselves in a morning of drama and dance this week. Through storytelling and singing they acted out the Queen’s Coronation.
Nati “I was Princess Anne!”
Harry “That was fantastic, amazing!”
Rosa “I was a horse pulling the golden carriage!”
Olive “We were royalty!”
All About Kenya
On Wednesday, the Year 2 children had the opportunity to listen to Asael's mum who shared with us information about Kenya. We learned lots of interesting facts about the culture, traditions and the typical animals you might see on a Kenya Safari.
She showed us some photographs, shared with us a Kenyan Marimba and some beaded trinkets that were handcrafted by members of the Maasai Tribe.
Safari Shoeboxes
In Year 2 the children have been busy completing their 'Safari Shoebox' projects. Look at their amazing creations!
Our Trip to CLC
This week, Year 3 were lucky enough to visit the CLC centre in Clapham for a digital space-themed day! The children used apple macs to research different planets and added their facts to a shared padlet screen. From this, they created scripts and filmed their own informative TV programme in groups using green screen technology. Later, they added music, titles, credits and backdrops in imovie. Throughout the course of the day, they also used a fun comic-making app to design space-themed posters by importing pictures and text from trusted websites. In the afternoon, children even entered space through the medium of virtual reality headsets!
They saw Saturn spinning and couldn't believe how big the sun was! When they looked down, they could see their own legs in astronaut suits sitting on board a space ship! As ever, the children were fantastically well-behaved throughout the day and were excellent ambassadors for Oakfield. Thank you to all parents/carers for dropping children off extra early on Tuesday/Wednesday to ensure that the children enjoyed maximum input for the day and thank you to Miss Down for organising such an out of this world trip!
Here is a link to the videos the children made:
Science in Year 3
Also this week, in Science Year 3 children have been studying rocks and soils. Last week, we completed several mini-experiments to test how strong, permeable and easy to erode different rocks were and this week we used magnifying equipment to get a closer look. We tried to identify why some had reacted differently in our experiments and how igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are different. It took some patience to focus the microscopes and adjust the lighting carefully, but we were quite surprised at some of the surfaces when we looked up close!
Last week Year 5 flew to Spain. We had an amazing time, trying churros and making paella. We also learned how to dance Flamenco and had some Spanish lessons too. The weather was lovely, and we even had time to go to the beach!
This week Year 5 were learning about germination. They removed the seed coat and observed the seed leaves (the food store) and the tiny embryo which will grow into the new plant.
This week, Year 6 carried out investigations to prove how finches living on the Galápagos Islands adapted their beaks for the type of vegetation found on the various islands. They used different tongs and pincers to move different sized seeds.
A big well done to the U11 Football Team who played in the ISA National Finals Football Match last Friday, at St. George's Park. The boys came 2nd overall! A special mention to Oscar who was also in the team and to our fantastic Year 5 footballers, Jacob, Albie and Luke, who played in all the matches leading up to the final but were otherwise engaged in Seville on the day of the final!
Good luck to the Gymnasts competing in the ISA National Gymnastics Competition in Shropshire, this coming weekend!
Upcoming Dates:
Monday :
Year 6 Money Matters, Mrs. Pantas
Tuesday :
Upper Foundation Perform Workshop, 'Fairy Tales and Forest'
Year 3 Replacement LAMDA Lesson 3:45-4:30pm
Wednesday :
OAFs Committee Meeting 7pm
Thursday :
Year 4 Parent Information Talk, Hooke Court 8:30am
Year 6 Talk, Mrs. Edwards
Friday :
Year 4 Trip to Hampton Court
2CB Class Assembly
Year 5 Cake Bake
Created with images by shell_ghostcage - "cherry tree flowering tree blooming" • Andrés Medina - "untitled image" • Mimzy - "back to school pencils rainbow" • Chris Lawton - "untitled image" • Capri23auto - "tiger big cat predator" • padrinan - "painting colors colorful" • Efraimstochter - "spain flag flutter" • padrinan - "green art wood" • Alex Kondratiev - "untitled image" • derJani - "football kreisliga sport"