Presidents and Slavery Dr. Tyler D. Parry

Tyler D. Parry, Assistant Professor of African American Studies talked about American presidents who owned slaves. Twelve presidents were slave owners, and eight owned slaves while in office.

C-SPAN3 - Presidents and Slavery Professor Tyler Parry talked about American presidents who owned slaves. Twelve presidents were slave owners, and eight owned slaves while in office.
Man's Best Friend

Dr. Parry's most resent publication (Published in History Today Volume 66 Issue 12 December 2016) reveals, the long history of canine violence against minority groups is still being written.

Indigenous peoples gathered at the confluence of the Missouri and Cannonball rivers, near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota, on September 3rd, 2016 to protest against the threat that the Dakota Access Pipeline posed to the area’s water source. If the pipeline leaks, it will poison the water supply on which thousands of people depend. Amy Goodman covered the protest for the US televison programme Democracy Now!, recording video evidence that showed protestors peacefully gathered to obstruct the machinery. As they chanted, employees of a private security company, with dogs and armed with pepper spray, advanced against them, instigating a conflict hauntingly familiar to students of American history.

Tyler D. Parry, Ph.D.

currently teaches Intro to Ethnic Studies (AFAM 107), American History of Ethnic Minorities (AFAM 190), and History of Racism (AFAM 335), to name a few.

Dr. Parry's specializes in the African Diaspora; Atlantic History; and Slavery in the United States. His current work views the process of ritual change in the marriage patterns and practices of Diasporic Africans. He analyzes how popular African American wedding traditions, such as "jumping the broom", manifest instances of cultural exchange in the Atlantic world. His work on slave marriage is simultaneously legal, political, intellectual, social, and cultural history.

Dr. Tyler D. Parry:

African American Studies

Contact Information

  • Dr. Stan L. Breckenridge: Co-chair (657) 278-8591
  • Dr. Natalie Graham: AFAM Advisor (657) 278-2791

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