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Retreat to the Outpost!


1950 - 1960 = Caravaning to Airstreams to Club Med.

1970 - 1980 = Luxury resorts to Timeshares.

1990 - 2010 = SPA resorts to adventure travel, and the quaint B & B.


2008 - 2016 = Airbnb, work-away, farm stay's, staycations and transformational adventure experiences.


2017- Beyond = Outpost Retreats, Innovation Immersions and Hyper Villages.

Nature. Music. Wellbeing

Harmony Ranch Outpost


A relationship-centered retreat concept envisioned for Carol King's, Robinson Bar Ranch located at the confluence of Warm Springs Creek and the Salmon River near Stanley Idaho.

The once original stagecoach stop for trips through Ketchum, and onto the Challis area.

The property is currently for sale through Leading Estates of the World, and Hall & Hall.

"I consider Robinson Bar Ranch an American treasure and believe it is one of the spiritual places on the planet. amazing spot for healing; a place that exists outside time." -Joe Leonard, former RBR manager.

Emerging New Models

Nature Retreats

Work Retreats and Work Incubators


Work-life balance is a myth of the post-industrial era. We are in the era of relationship which is about finding harmony in our self, with others and with our planet. This is a syncopation that requires retreating to sacred places, to nature or to outposts of refuge as necessity rather than luxury.

Drawing Inspiration

Collaborations like the one between Audi and Airbnb which imagined a one-of-a-kind travel experience...

"You are cordially invited to book a once in a lifetime experience that includes one day of driving - all under the masterful eye of some of our best driving instructors."

The Innovation

Harmony with nature, health and innovation is in the DNA of the place!

Robinson Bar Ranch has been a retreat and place of well being to inspire Carol King—the music legend—for some thirty years. Prior to King, Joe Leonard managed the ranch and led many innovations in adventure travel, to become something of a legend himself. He created the first guided backcountry hut-to-hut skiing business in the U.S., the first kayaking school and wilderness guide service, and the first White Water Rodeo on the Salmon River.

The Big Idea

Revitalize the existing sustainable elements of the property, advancing them to employ the current and best in sustainable technologies; geothermal, solar, permaculture designs for year-round organic food production with greenhouse, grass-fed cattle, and carbon sequestering, for starters. Upscale the recording studio, and make any necessary improvements to accommodate retreats of between 10-25.

Robinson Bar Ranch


  • Offer Recation Stays, Outpost Retreats and or Innovation Immersions springcamps and summercamps.
  • DIY musicians come to re-inspire in off-the-grid living, while having state-of-the-art recording capabilities to record their music with recording experts such as Brian Hardin.
  • Innovation Immersions for propagating the next big idea.
  • One Innovation to create would be ideas such as BLOOMER or NBLOOM - Music Ecosystem Modeled after Imogen Heaps music ecoysystem Mycelia which is using the Blockchain. Imagine creating a Bloom SpringCamp which offers a blockchain ecosystem residencies or workshops.


The aging of America and the BabyBoom generation is going to be one the greatest innovation opportunities. Innovation and investment sectors that promote progress in health and well-being, such as health care, technology, physical fitness, pharmacy and financial services will remain promising for innovators.

  • Human Health Project Innovation Camps - Time is never better to tap into the BLOCKCHAIN to create unique peer-to-peer solutions for health and wellness. Imagine a wintercamp in which a team of young programmers and visionaries come together at Harmony Outpost to build such a platform.
  • Music therapy workshops. The Sync Project is a great example of where Medicine and Music are converging. YouBloom and Human Health Project are well posed for developing something similar.
  • Integrative Therapeutic Yoga retreats for integrating, body, mind and soul. Example: Slow Is The New Flow
  • Natural Woman Retreats


  • Wellness Tourism: $494.1 billion - $563.2 billion
  • Preventative & Personalized Medicine & Public Health: $432.7 billion - $534.3 billion
  • Complementary & Alternative Medicine: $186.7 billion - $199 billion
  • Wellness Lifestyle Real Estate: $100 billion - $118.6 billion
  • Spa Industry: $94 billion - $98.6 billion
  • Thermal/Mineral Springs Facilities: $50 billion - $51 billion


  • Re-inhabit wild landscapes and restore our connection to our own wild nature, and tap-into ultimate Creativity!
  • GEOTHERMAL - How to use existing geothermal springs to create dynamic year round growing greenhouses.
  • Permaculture - Large Scale permaculture projects including Food Forest.

The Really Big Idea

Hyper Villages

The urban migration is on!

Statistic report that by the year 2050, 75% of the world population will live in urban centers. Meanwhile, rural communities are falling into extinction along with the industries, legacies and lifestyle these rural "villages" once supported, namely wildlands management, agriculture and farming, wilderness adventure, among others.

The Hyper Village intends to address these complex issues by revitalizing and restoring rural communities to thriving hubs. As the hive supports the foraging honey bee, the Hyper Village will dot the landscape as hives of sustenance, refuge and restoration, both to nourish and be nourished by rural relationships and living.

Hyper Villages will restore small rural centers, and repurpose a large estate, revitalizing them with 100% sustainable materials, renewable energy sources, permaculture, organic food supply, water catchment and yet, be "hyper-connected" to the outside world for relationship development and exchange with other such communities.

They Hyper Village will be places for alternative healing, music, art or writer retreats, work retreats and innovation retreats, and/or be a rural HQ for thought leaders and other disruption-makers to go, reconnect and restore their relationship with nature, so they might tap-into deeper thought that leads to disruptive ideas in...

  • Climate change
  • Renewable energy
  • Food Security
  • Revitalization of land
  • Holilstic wellness
  • Alternative living systems

Timing is everything...

Airbnb is innovating in the real estate sector with their new project Samara, whose first project is a novel community center in rural Japan.

Continue The Legacy

Joe Leonard former manager, Robinson Bar Ranch

In his own words.

1971 - As one traveled down the winding road that followed the Salmon River and led to the Ranch, you felt as though you were entering another world, in another time. The lodge had thirteen guest rooms and an enormous kitchen and dining area. The living room carried a sense of the old west, setting ones imagination afire. Our guests came from around the world, and many a night they sat in the warmth of the big stone fireplace listening to tales, old and new. The Ranch became so popular it was soon opened year-round and we began guiding back-pack trips and horse-pack trips. In the summer of 1972 we opened a kayaking school and provided the first guided kayaking trips on the Main Salmon River and Middle Fork of the Salmon River.​Soon after, we held the first White Water Rodeo in the United States on the Salmon River, just below the ranch. When I look back on those years I am always filled with deep emotion – that I could have been so blessed to have lived some of my fleeting life in such a remote and beautiful paradise seems a rare gift. I was truly living my dream. - Joe Leonard

Aligned events located nearby Stanely Idaho and Sun Valley Idaho:

Proposed concept by : Bruce Weaver & Tarini Bauliya

Open Source Hypervillage concepts first created by SONY Europe and The Pipeline Project.

Bruce Weaver created a USA Hypervillage version concept for entry into the Buckminster Fuller Challenge 2013

contact info 207-805-4157

update Oct 2018

Created By
Bruce Weaver

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