I sit here, with 2 weeks to go until the end of term and quietly reflect on the year that has gone by. A rush of emotions come over me as I think about everything has happened! I’ve decided to start this newsletter 2 weeks before it is due because I know it will take me a while to encompass everything I want to.
I think back to the first moment that I walked through the doors back in October 2018 and then to my interview where I was asked why I wanted to lead WCPS! That moment was the start of my WCPS journey, my response to that question was an emotional one, I cried! I wanted to make sure the whole WCPS community got the best education. One that I knew was possible with hard work from everyone involved. One that we are so close to.
So many events have happened this year, some of which I could never have anticipated and certainly some I was never trained for! Who could have anticipated a global pandemic back in September? But we have succeeded and we have done it together! I can’t thank the staff, children and community enough for helping WCPS become home!
I really can not believe how quickly this year has gone. The school is continuing to develop and pupils are growing and developing so quickly. At times I’d like a pause button, just to capture those special moments. Thinking of our pupils growing and developing this song really springs to mind. Slow down....
This year saw us convert to HCAT academy trust and the power this has given us as a school is massive. It has allowed us to work with a number of different professionals and schools with the drive to improve our school for our families. On behalf of the school and community I would like to take this opportunity to thank the HCAT team for their help, support but also their challenge which has allowed us to grow and improve.
This year has also seen the formation of our brand new Local Governing body. The Governing Body works to support Worsbrough Common Primary on its journey to school improvement and supports the school vision in developing a respectful, responsible and resilient community. Empowering articulate. confident and independent individuals who have the skills and are ready for life long learning.
Saying goodbye
As the year ends we say goodbye to our amazing year 6 students. A group of individuals who have had such a successful year, one that if they had been able to take their SATS would have given us the best results we have had in years! Year 6, you’ve been amazing! Thank you for contributing to what has been a wonderful year filled with amazing memories! We wish you all lots of luck in secondary school and hope you all achieve your dreams. Please stay true to who you are and be the very best versions of yourselves you can be. You will be missed but please, keep in touch!
We also say goodbye to Miss Mather who is going on to teacher training. We are sad to see her go however are proud to say she has been inspired to go on to educate the next generation.
We also say goodbye to Miss Hines. She leaves us to spend more time with her family. After 6 years at WCPS we wish her every success and hope she comes back to see us!
As some of you will already know from our transition letters we welcome 2 new teachers in September. We have Miss Kershaw joining us in Y6 and Mrs Guest joining us in Y1. Two experienced teachers that are very excited to join the WCPS family!
We also welcome a new cohort of children, our Foundation Stage staff are excited to see you! Throughout school we also welcome a few new children into different year groups, we hope you are as excited to start your WCPS journey as we are to meet you!
Photo highlights from this year
September 2020
- School starts for everyone on Wednesday 2nd September
- Each year group will form their own bubble consisting of two classes.
- Staggered starts and finishes will be used to minimise contact and pick up and drop off.
- The one way system will remain in use with a small tweak for Y1 students.
- Only blue badge holders will have car access to the school site.
- Updated behaviour policy will be shared with staff and pupils.
- There will be a rigorous handwashing routine in place for throughout the day.
- Classrooms will be set up in a way to avoid face to face contact between pupils.
- There will be extra cleaning of toilets and high touch areas throughout the day.
- Each bubble will have a their own staff room to minimize contact between staff.
- Children will need to wear full uniform including indoor shoes. It is an expectations that children come in clean clothes everyday.
- On PE days children are expected to come dressed in their PE clothes to reduce the number of items being brought into school.
- Children can bring water bottles daily filled with clean water. Water bottles can not be left in school.
The school risk assessment outlines the measure the school will implement. It is available of the school website.
Government guidelines outlines attendance expectations for September.
In March when the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak was increasing, we made clear no parent would be penalised or sanctioned for their child’s non-attendance at school. Now the circumstances have changed and it is vital for all children to return to school to minimise as far as possible the longer-term impact of the pandemic on children’s education, wellbeing and wider development.
Missing out on more time in the classroom risks pupils falling further behind. Those with higher overall absence tend to achieve less well in both primary and secondary school. School attendance will therefore be mandatory again from the beginning of the autumn term. This means from that point, the usual rules on school attendance will apply, including:
- parents’ duty to secure that their child attends regularly at school;
- schools’ responsibilities to record attendance and follow up absence
- the availability to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices in line with local authorities’ codes of conduct.
We are sure you will support us in getting attendance back up from 2nd September! We were so close to getting to target this year, 97%+ here we come!
Home Learning
Thank you to everyone for your amazing attitudes and efforts towards home learning throughout the lockdown period. For anyone wanting to access optional summer holiday tasks teachers of your new classes will be posting them on Seesaw every Monday through out the summer. These are optional so please do not feel any pressure to complete these. New class teachers will be taking control of Seesaw and Twitter accounts of the summer so keep them up to date with the fun you are having.
Anyone struggling to access through Seesaw they are also available on the HCAT website.
I would like to end the year (and final newsletter) by wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable summer holidays. We can't wait to hear about what you have got up to over the summer! Stay Safe,
Mrs Paddock x
Created with images by Delphotostock - "Etapes de la croissance d'une marguerite, fond blanc" • David Švihovec - "untitled image"