This picture was chosen because i felt it was a good repetition of shapes, as you can see my subject after the fence, the fence, and the shadows my flash made when taking the picture. Not only did i think it looked nice but i thought it had a cool vibe to it.
one day i had taken my brother and dog to the park just so they got all the energy they had out and my brother could be put to sleep at a decent time. Before we knew it started to get dark, and for some odd reason my dog is afraid of the dark. She got out of her leash and my brother and I spent about 10 minutes trying to catch her. I took this picture the second my brother was able to catch her to show my mom and share this funny story with her.
This Pictures shows 2 out of 3 family members that live with me that make me so happy and I thought I would add this picture because of their happy playful expressions, mostly my brother haha. I thought this would be a perfect move up close/ fill the frame shot because it gets real close to my dogs eye, you can see the flash of the camera reflect off of it and gives off a greenly look to it.
I took this picture one night when we were getting ready for bed and both my brother and my dog had way too much energy at 9:30 at night and didn't want to go to sleep. They were very playful and silly I like taking pictures of them to remember cute silly moments like that.
I chose this picture of my little brother looking out of the window on a rainy day because he reminded me of myself when I was younger and all I thought about was playing without any worries. I felt really sad to see him upset that he couldn't go outside and play because it was cold and raining outside.
Usually everyday after school my little brother always has something in mind of what he wants to play or do. However this day he really couldn't go out and play with our dog or go to the park because it was old and wet outside. My Mother had told him that he would get sick and it was better if he went out a different day. I had my camera in hand and I thought it would be a good contrast photo to try and capture his sadness.
This pictures looks to me like a framing shot, and it is why i chose it. I don't have very many of those and i thought this would be a good one to include in my portfolio.
My brother was running and jumping up, down, and through things at the park. I had made up an obstacle course for him to try and complete in under 1 minute. In this picture he was on the playground going as fast as he could trying to complete the course, he had jumped in really fast and came down the side full force. All of that only to find out he was a few seconds off and had not met the time period. He was starting to get annoyed because he had failed the last one he had asked me not to take a picture, but i had to anyway.
My brother and i like to spend time to together and i try to spend time time with him on my free time when i can. I value each and every second i spend with him greatly, he makes me laugh and smile and he is my bestfriend. Taking this picture i did not realize it was a good rule of thirds shot and i decided to share it on my portfolio.
One day when we got back from grocery shopping with my mom my brother had mentioned that he wanted to go outside and watch the sky, the sun was setting and i thought he meant he wanted to watch the sunset, we had a few minutes to kill before dinner was ready so we couldn't go out anywhere to get a better view, so we just laid in our back yard. I thought it was really cute of him to ask me that and i had to take a picture to remember that cute moment.
Out of all of the photos I have taken this semester this picture has been one of my favorites and I'm not too sure if it was my subject, the lighting, or the color combo with her shirt and the green behind her, maybe because it reminds me of almost something a professional photographer would capture, short depth of field. My subject was really helping me out by having a curious look making the picture a lot more interesting and kind of makes you wonder what she is looking at.
Short and Long depth of field was just introduced to us and we were asked to practice more taking photos using this concept. In the being i found it fairly easy to take both long and short depth of field and it feels like i started struggling more over time for some reason. I added this to my portfolio to kind of remind me that i was able to take them at some point.
Most of my portfolio ended up being mostly of my brother so i thought i ended the last few pictures with him to keep the streak going. This seems to me like another close up or fill the frame shot. I made the title according to what he had asked me at the moment of the picture, the way he says things and how he says them makes me laugh and so with my picture I try to show how he makes me feel.
When i took this picture we were having a little movie night at my house with drinks and snacks having a good time. Between movies my brother asked me to get him more juice while holding up the cup to his face and was wonder if i could see him through the glass. I feel like he thought he would look funny through the glass just how it looks like when u look through one side of a filled plastic water bottle.