Segregation Matthew Mai

The Civil Rights movement helped bring equality to blacks and whites through groups like NAACP, President Harry Truman and the Civil Rights Movement .

Harry Truman gave speeches to Congress attempting to convince them to create laws ending segregation. During his 1948 Civil Rights speech, Truman said this, "We believe that all men are entitled to equal opportunities for jobs, for homes, for good health and for education (Special Message to Congress On Civil Rights)" . Truman also suggested, "Prohibiting discrimination in interstate transportation facilities (Special Message to Congress on Civil Rights)”.

The leaders of the NAACP fought for equality in courts, trying to get African Americans the same rights as Whites. "The NAACP continued its vigilance in the courts and soon won a series of decisions that outlawed segregation in other areas of American life, from public parks to prisons (Kronenwetter)”. The NAACP also created another group that would help get equality, “The Fund has represented civil rights claimants in more than 2,000 cases dealing with education, employment, voting rights, housing,capital punishment, healthcare, and other areas of the law (Robert L. Rabin)”.

Another group that was created was the Civil Rights movement. They had peaceful protests and gave speeches to crowds, "People all over the country joined the movement and they walked in protest and gave speeches to crowds (Kronenwetter). More popular people like Martin Luther King Jr gave speeches to large crowds, "King’s famous speech touched the hearts of many Americans (Kronenwetter)".


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