Tonight we feature:
Craig Daalmeijer-Power
Steven Kolber
Craig Daalmeijer-Power
The power of Adobe XD
When Xd came out, he used it to develop concepts with students, and he shared a Spark Page Journal of design analysis of good (and terrifying) design examples that students created that they populated weekly:
He also demonstrated content from other Adobe Programs (like Mixamo and Dimension) in the process of prototyping and creating their app.
Craig also had students create their early 'mockups' in Photoshop, to make them employ design thinking with an iterative process, rather than leaping through the development process and finishing a practical version in Xd immediately.
It enables learners to really think about the design process...
...and the required interactivities within the app:
Craig pointed out a positive that came out of COVID lockdowns - the plugin Whiteboard and the collaborative options that are available in that space!
Craig shared how they developed personas using these Whiteboard and design tools, requiring them to think more deeply, creating 'Mood Boards' for projected users (personas) to give them ideas of how their target app users might engage with the app they are building (and how they would get to it!)
Craig also shared the way Xd enables people to create live demos of their apps as they design them, to get real, constructive feedback on what they add and how they move around in the app space they are creating.
Using Xd, you can also use this live demo on your mobile device, to create a more immersive user experience for testing and feedback.
By sharing their projects as a cloud document, Craig observed his students engaging in real-time collaborative practice on the app. He shared with us a short video on an app that was designed that even included a looped video as the background, creating a dynamic app visual for users.
Student engagement was partly through giving them an open concept of their own choice to work with. As you can see from some of the screenshots, each project is visually and conceptually very unique and reflective of very different aesthetics and interests.
How to add plugins to Xd
Craig recommends surfing the plugin options (if you have a few hours, there are SO MANY GOOD ONES) and exploring the amazing tutorials that are available.
Hot tip:
When working collaboratively, users must be on the same version of Xd in order to collaborate on the same project.
Find out more:
If you would like to be guided through Level 1 of the ACE program, Dr Kitchen is running the next Be a Creative Educator course on:
- Wed 7th July 10.30 AM to 1PM AEST (holiday period for most Aussie states)
- Mon 30th Sept, 4 PM to 6.30 PM (AEST).
Steven Kolber
The ILO supports international education goals through numerous decent work strategies, including combatting child labour, promoting social dialogue and freedom of association, and developing skills and employability strategies.
Digital Basket
Everyone should have access to reliable internet to prevent LEARNING POVERTY... which is pretty ironic since poor Steven's internet dropped out as he got going on his presentation!
When we got him back... he discussed using technology the right way to create an even learning playing field worldwide.
Find out more...
Our next Inject Creativity Live event will be on Wed 14th July at 6.30 PM AEST, with Dan Haesler and Karen Sutherland.
Created with images by kevinamrulloh - "rubik cube puzzle" • Ramdlon - "idea writing plan" • stux - "thought cloud idea"