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Stay Creative! Time Capsule Asian American Resource Center

Activity Duration: 1 Hour. Recommended Ages: 6 - 10 Years Old.

What is a Time Capsule?

A time capsule is a box, container, etc., that you do not open for a really long time. Think of it like a treasure chest. You can put almost anything in a time capsule! People use time capsules to put away things that they use or wear, and leave the capsules unopened for a couple of days, a few years, or even fifty years! Once the time capsule is open again, the people who open it can look at the items inside and think about what life was like back when the time capsule was made.

Watch this video below to see a great example of a time capsule from 1992!

Video Source: "Nickelodeon's Time Capsule That WON'T BE OPENED Until 2042" by Vailskibum94, Aug 28, 2019.


Main Activity

Now it’s time for you to create your very own time capsule. You can use anything as the body and anything to decorate it, but below is an example that you can follow.


  • An empty and clean container - a cleaned out ice cream container is ideal, but it can be a shoe box or even an old coffee can.
  • Scotch tape
  • Scissors
  • Name tag (alternative: a blank post-it note or index card)
  • Markers
  • Stickers
  • Scrap paper
  • Tissue paper
  • Pipe cleaners or ribbon
  • Anything extra you want to decorate your time capsule with! We used feathers in our example.


Step 1

Write down your name and today’s date on your name tag, post it note, or index card.

Step 2

You can decorate your time capsule however you like!

Step 3

Gather the items you would like to put in your time capsule. Something you could add is a letter to your future self or a list of things you like to do.

Step 4

Place your items into the time capsule.

Step 5

Write down when the time capsule should be opened and use the pipe cleaners or ribbon to tie a knot over the container. We did 2030 but you can do 2022, 2025, or even 2050!

Now that your time capsule is finished you need to decide where you are going to put it. You can hide it somewhere, leave it on your desk or even bury it! Just be sure to remember where you put it!

Share with us your December 2020 Time Capsule! Send us a photo of your Time Capsule at and will we post on our Instagram!

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Created with an image by anncapictures - "pocket watch time of sand"


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