The Photographer
I choose to include this photo in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of framing. I liked the way she was posing so I decided to take the picture. When my viewer looks at the image the person and it is created by the framing in the back. There is a window right behind her so the viewer will look at both.
I captured this photo with the DSLR during a framing session we did in class. I thought it would have been a cute photo so I told Kylie to stand there so I could take it. Kylie she did her own pose I asked her lets take it right here so I got the camera ready and then she posed and I took the shot.
I choose to include this photo in my portfolio because it meets the requirements to rule of thirds. They are my good friends and I liked what they were doing. When the viewer sees this they are going to see that the poplin the photo are way right. So now when they see this photo they will know that it is rule of thirds.
This photo was taken with the DSLR camera, before school started so I got all my 10 photos. They are besties so I was like I will take a picture of them. I asked them and they were like sure, so as I got the camera ready they stood and posed for me then I took the shot.
The Model
I choose to included this photo in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of contrasts. This is my twin sister Anna, I found flowers and I was like I am going to take this shot. So the viewers are going to look at the subject because it is the main thing in this photo.
This photo was taken with the DSLR camera, at my house in my backyard. She is my older sister and I wanted to take a picture of her. I got the camera ready and I zoomed in on her to make it where the back round is blurry and she is in focus.
Partner In Crime
I choose to include this photo in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of Long depth of filed. This is my best friend Kylie, we were just messing around and I took the picture of her. So the viewer is going to look a Kylie and notice that the back round is blurry.
I took this photo with the DSLR camera, This was at school in the grass. Kylie is my bestie and I love taking pictures of my friends. I got the camera ready and we just took pictures of each other. This will show the viewers Long depth of field.
My Beautiful Mother
I choose this photo to be in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of symmetry. This is my mother and I had pictures of my friends so I decided to put my mother in my portfolio. The viewers are going to look at both of the subjects because thats my mom and sister.
I took this photo with my iPhone 7. This was one day at a party and then the next was in my backyard. I love and appreciate them both so I wanted them in my portfolio. I got the camera ready and they both poised for the photo and then I took the shot.
I choose this photo to be in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of reputation. I love things with pumpkins and I thought it would be cool to put in my portfolio. The viewers are going to look at the pumpkins and realize there is more than one.
I took this with the DSLR camera. This was taken the day before it was due at my house. I just like the ideas of pumpkins. I got the camera ready and just shot a picture of the pumpkins.
The King
I choose this photo to be in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of diagonal lines. I decided to change things up and take one of my cousin. The viewers are going to look at the line right by his face because that shows that it is diagonal.
I took this photo with the DSLR camera. This was taken a few days before the assessment was due. I told my cousin to stand here and I got the camera ready and then took the shot.
Rocket Man
I choose to put this in my portfolio because it is also something new. I decided to put it in because it was a cool picture to take. The viewers are going to look at the rocket or maybe the subject.
I took this with the DSLR camera. We went out of class and another class was shooting rockets. I just took the shot and then I captured this picture.
Don't just stand there, take the first step to success
I choose this to be in my portfolio because it meets the requirements of diagonal lines. I saw the line and told my sister to stand there. The viewers are going to look at the line leading to my sisters foot.
I too this with the DSLR camera. This was taken at my house in the front yard a day before the assignment was due. My sister helped m come up with the idea, I got the camera ready and then took the shot.
Fall has begun are you ready
I choose this photo to be in my portfolio because it also meets the requirements for diagonal lines. I just saw an opportunity and boom the picture turns out. the viewers are going to look at how the root leads to the tree.
I took this picture with the DSLR camera. This was taken in my front lawn at my house a few days before the assignment was due. I got down on the ground and took the shot so getting those angles, and then I just snapped the shot.