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The etwinning temptation at the Ioannina ETWINNING Conference-24/11/2018 "The temptation of presentation at IOANNINA"

We try to have a constant presence in every given etwinning diffusion activity! Looking for the etwinning school label? Yes, of course!!!

One of our teachers, Maria Dangli, took part in the 5th ETWINNING Conference presenting in the High School Session our school's Erasmus KA1 2018-19 project, a project highly connected to the ETWINNING network and promoting the eTwinning concept!

It was at IOANNINA!
Epirus Palace Hotel was the place selected for the Conference to take place.

Its aim was the fruitful reflection and creative dialogue on the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in the co-operative programs at European, international or national level, as well as the modern practices for the implementation of such programs as they are shaped by modern school reality and in the light of the European Erasmus + Program. In particular, it aimed at sensitizing Primary and Secondary education teachers towards the development of cooperative methodology issues by using good and innovative practices alongside the exploitation of ICT for the implementation of collaborative programs between schools at international as well as at national level .

Our teacher Maria Dangli took part as one of the conference speakers, in order to present of our Erasmus KA1 project.

"The temptation of presentation" was the title of her presentation at the Conference and she highlighted the outcomes of the ERASMUS PLUS KA1 Project which is implemented at our school, GYMNASIO MYGDONIAS.

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills!

The presentation emphasized on the soft Skills dynamic as a MUST in our everyday School Life!

Creativity is always the great hero to solve many of our problems...

Hopefully enough the conference audience felt a lot to carry back school!

Our 2018-19 ETWINNING project "MYTHOLOGY IN MY TOWN" was presented at the Conference and was well connected to the ERASMUS KA1 project thematic.

Ioannina was just gorgeous! a Mystic atmosphere out of the mist...
Let us share some of the unforgettable views our teacher enjoyed during the Conference breaks!

'Taking part in the Conference was totally overwhelming in terms of sharing and learning as well as feeling and living!" Maria Dangli- November 24 2018

Ioannina Lake is full of myths and legends. Back to the dark centuries of the Ottoman Conquer the Ioannina Lake was to witness some of the most horrible stories in our history! The Lake legends enriched in the most outstanding way the Greek Folk Culture and inspired many folk poets to create poems and songs!
“Back to the hotel, late in the night, there was a lot of time given to consolidate feelings and emotions Ioannina and Etwinning gave me!”
Created By
Maria Dangli

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