
Stan Consulting Building Breakthrough Businesses

Outsource Your Marketing to us.

Why do you need digital Marketing?

There is a saying: "Ignoring online marketing is like opening a business but not telling anyone"

Your Company, Brand and Products or services must use online marketing to be successful.

Your Clients are looking for your Product and services online. The world of Yellow pages as we know it is gone.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet.

Marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to meet them where they are already spending time: on the internet.

Be found by your client, go online.

Digital marketing -- in other words -- is any form of marketing that exists online.

Here is how you can benefit from digital Marketing

Get a new Website or redesign/redevelop your existing one!

Your website is either costing you money or generating you revenue.

If it does not generate, let us build you a high converting website.

You have a website, let us perform a free audit on your website and give you improvement roadmap.

Here is a checklist for you:

  1. Does Your website have a clear sitemap?
  2. Does Your website tell a story?
  3. Does Your website answer clients question: What is it in for me?
  4. Does Your website benefits from SEO strategy?
  5. Does Your website has a clean design using not more than 3 colors?
  6. Does Your website collects email addresses from visitors?
  7. Does Your website gives a reason to visit your website again?
  8. Does Your website creates good user experience?
  9. Can Your website be found on first 3 Search pages?

If you have answered one or more questions with NO, it is time to upgrade your website.

Content is fire, Social Media is Gazoline

Most Businesses (except eCommerce) do not use social media, because they think, it is waste of time and posting will not bring any revenue.

This is 100% wrong statement

You can generate over 90% of your Revenue from Social Media.

To generate revenue you have to:

  1. Post daily if possible several times a day
  2. Use The right time to post
  3. Engage with your audience
  4. Provide Valuable Content
  5. Run Contests
  6. Use right Tags and Hashtags
  7. Create a brand voice

If you do not cover one or more bullet points, it is time to elevate your social media.

Marketing is the Driving Force of your Business

Contact us today and find out how we can change your company with a new marketing strategy

Stan Consulting is a leading full service digital marketing Agency from California.


Created By Stan Consulting www.stanconsultingllc.com