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Mason's Voices of Well-Being One Mason Staff member shares how journaling has helped him enhance his well-being.

New feature for Masons Voices of Well-being. Philip Wilkerson, Manager, Industry Advising and Employer Development. This is how Phil practices his well-being:

"Everyday journal. I have been journaling for over two years and it has been tremendously impact on my well-being and has helped me grow my gratitude muscle.
I use a Five Minute journal because it is organized and structure. In the morning the journal prompts me to thing of three things I am grateful for and a daily affirmation for myself."

-Philip Wilkerson, Manager, Industry Advising and Employer Development

"In the evening the journal prompts me to write about three things that went well for the day and one thing I wish could have gone better.
Over time I have come to realize that I have a lot of things to be grateful for and in the greater scheme of things, my life is good overall. Sometimes I look at past entries to see how my life have changed."

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Mason Recreation


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