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Thunderbird March, 2019 newsletter

Important Dates at a Glance

  • District Pinewood Derby.................................March 23
  • OA American Indian Seminar.........................March 22-24
  • Taste of Venturing...........................................March 29-31
  • Operation Pick Up Sticks................................March 30
  • Roundtable.......................................................April 1
  • Camp Card Sale Ends......................................April 5
  • Spring Conclave...............................................April 5-7
  • Commissioner Meeting....................................April 8
  • Camporee scout training at Beaumont.............April 13
  • Committee meeting.........................................April 15
  • Eagle Board of Review.....................................April 16
  • Spring Camporee.............................................April 26-28
  • Earth Day.........................................................April 27

District News:

Next Roundtable - Monday April 1st (no fooling). Topics will be:

  • Brian Sens–Scout Shop Presentation
  • Camporee Promotion
Camp Card Sales

Camp cards help scouts earn money for summer camp, program equipment, registration, or any other scouting program.

Camp cards sell for $10, no out-of-pocket cost to the scout. 50% of the commission goes to the scouts and their unit.

Sign up for the sale at

Sales run from February 1 - April 5th.

Activities and Camping

Klondike Derby Pictures
Klondike Derby 2019

Spring Camporee 4/26-4/28 - Shippey

Since no one has stepped up to lead the camporee this year, Thunderbird has been invited to combine with the Illini and Grand Towers Districts. It is expected that Thunderbird will provide adult and youth leadership for this event. One Scout from each troop will be needed to attend training on March 9th and April 13th at Beaumont. Contact Paul Winter if you have any questions about the combined camporee: (314) 971-7265


Cub Scout Overnight Camp Registration is OPEN for 2019

Summer camp is fun with a purpose, and Scouts will find adventure in the outdoors while learning and advancing through the Cub Scout program. Click here for more information and to register

Summer Evening Camp Coming Soon

  • Dates: June 10-13
  • Times: 5:30pm - 8:30pm
  • Place: Tower Grove Stone Pavilion
  • Who: For girls and boys, Scouts and non-Scouts, ages 7-11 (7 years old or entering 1st grade in the Fall of 2019-must be accompanied by an adult partner)
  • What: STEM activities included with this year’s "Out of This Galaxy!" Theme, Healthy, fun outdoor activities like Archery, BB guns, slingshots, fishing, hiking and games!

Early Bird Ends April 10th! Register here:

Twilight Camp does not run itself. Angie and Linda need support STAFF. We were told some other Leaders from Pack 100 will be helping but it takes a LOT more than Pack 100 Leadership to get the job done.

PLEASE! Contact Angie Blumenthal or Linda Criss to VOLUNTEER to help staff Twilight Camp. Astronomy is the basic camp theme, so be a "star" and become a staff member.

Ozark Adventure Trek

Back by popular demand, GSLAC will offer a 9-day Ozark Adventure Trek in 2019. Explore S bar F Scout Ranch and the nearby Ozark Trail over the course of this backpacking adventure. The Ozark Adventure includes support services such as logistics, crew gear, food, staffed program, and more. This program requires similar preparation to a Philmont trek, so please plan and train accordingly. Click here for more information.

District Pinewood Derby

Please send information and pictures from your local Pinewood Derby events. The District Pinewood Derby is scheduled for March 23rd at St. Gabriel's. For more information, go to the District Website and download the flyer and rules:

Earth Day April 27th

The Boy Scouts of America are partnering with MERS Goodwill to help collect donations on April 27, 2019 in celebration of Earth Day. Please help us by volunteering to collect donations!

Donors can drop off donations at select Dierberg's locations. Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and adult leaders are needed to help at each drop off location. Participants can sign up for time blocks, 8:30AM to 11:30AM; 11AM to 2PM; 12PM to 3PM - or help the whole day! Scouts the bring donations can enter to win some special prizes such as Cardinals tickets.

Scouts will receive service hours for helping and all donors will receive tax receipts and a voucher for half-price Cardinals tickets. Everyone will receive a special commemorative patch for helping!

Thank you for helping our communities to reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Operation Pick Up Sticks

Here is an opportunity to do service and show your scout values. Operation Pick Up Sticks is a service project open to all scouts, leaders and adult volunteers. The project will consist of cleaning up dead sticks and fallen limbs in the cemetery property.

This will be held on Saturday, March 30th. Registration will begin at 9am at the Concordia Lutheran Cemetery Gates on Bates Ave. In case of rain, back up dates are scheduled for April 6th and if that gets rained out, April 13th.

For more information, go to the following link:

Advancement and Recognition

Marcus Sullenger Eagle Ceremony
Marcus Sullenger Court of Honor Eagle Ceremony

On Sunday, February 24th, Troop 281 presented Marcus Sullenger with his Eagle Scout Award at an intimate ceremony at Epiphany of Our Lord. His great-uncle, Chris Nielsen, was Master of Ceremony as well as a mentor to Marcus. Congratulations, Marcus!

Ordering a Cake to celebrate?

We recently received a couple requests to use the BSA logo on a cake. The bakery may deny the request, unless they receive a statement of approval to recreate the emblem.

Here is the link so you may celebrate your Scouts with an “official” cake:

Be sure to give several days’ notice, as it may take time to review requests and respond accordingly.

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Skill Centers

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts

The Salesmanship Merit badge has several workshops coming up. Find out more:

Upcoming Moviemaking Merit Badge Workshops:

Webolos Game Design Adventure has several upcoming workshops:

Digital Technology Merit Badge workshop dates:

Archeology Camp held at the Center for American Archeology in Kampsville, IL Earn your Archeology Merit Badge at a real field school! Scouts will enjoy a weekend packed with fun program and educational experiences. This one-of-a-kind event includes camping, flint-knapping, spear-throwing, and conducting real, guided archeological research. Scouts will get to assist the Center for American Archeology on a site visit, conducting field work and digs that contribute to archeological research and knowledge. For more info:

Merit Badge Counselor Information

The new merit badge counselor directory system is open. The renewal date has passed and anyone that did not renew was dropped automatically. If those folks would like to renew they will just need to fill out the on-line application.

Merit Badge Counselors, PLEASE check your status on the GSLAC Merit Badge Counselor list to verify you are listed.

If you are NOT listed, it will be necessary to contact Donna Baer as stated in her email. Her email is:

OA Report

Spring Conclave dates set
OA American Indian Seminar

Focusing on key aspects of American Indian culture such as dance, singing and crafting, this program offers a wide variety of training and programs. This event is open to all registered BSA members and includes a Cub Scout program.

This will be held at Beaumont Scout Reservation March 22-24, 2019. For more information, go to the link:


Taste of Venturing March 29-31

Do you know older Scouts who may be interested in Venturing? Bring a friend and enjoy a weekend of fellowship and activities. Taste of venturing is a weekend full of activities and fellowship at Camp Warren Levis, March 29-31, 2019. Learn what Venturing has to offer while enjoying activities such as:

  • Leathercrafting
  • Crate Stacking
  • Skeet, Rifle and handgun shooting
  • 3D archery
  • Boating and More

For the weekend Program guide and other venturing information, go to the district website:

To learn more about Taste of Venturing, Sign up online:

Crew 4 at St. Gabriel's


Cub Scout STEM Day

With the help of Mad Science staff, Cubs will get to earn rank specific advancements geared towards STEM topics. Scouts can attend STEM Day East at Lewis and Clark Community College on March 23rd or STEM Day West at St. Charles Community College on April 6th. Cub Scout STEM Day is an event you will not want to miss!

For more information on STEM, go to the GSLAC website:


2019 Wilderness Remote First Aid Spring

Beaumont Scout Reservation April 5-7

The American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid 16-hour course is consistent with guidelines established for and by the Boy Scouts of America and is adaptable to meet needs for such training for youth-serving organizations and adult participants in outdoor recreational activities as well as employees working in various wilderness and remote settings where EMS response to the site of an incident is more than 60 minutes. These courses are designed to meet the needs of those who go into areas that are beyond the reach of urban EMS. It is required for those units going to Philmont, Sea Base or Northern Tier and is recommended for back country camping, hiking, canoeing, or other high adventure. The certification is good for two years. You must be certified in CPR and AED before taking the course, if you need this certification please sign up for the CPR class on Friday night.

Please bring equipment and first aid supplies that you would need to bring on a trek. Also needed is overnight gear to sleep in the dining hall. Tent camping available, please see the camp ranger for the assigned camp site.

Blue and Gold Banquets

Pack 108’s blue and gold was held on Feb 16th in the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Gym. Our theme was camping and we used that from the food BBQ with lots of yummy sides and S’mores cup cakes (hand made by our Webelos Mom, Jessica Mantia), Trail Mix Bar (Very popular), Craft, decorates and activates. We held a campfire program during dinner and each group sang songs and presented skits. Our leaders even joined in and our Pack Master Bill ended up soaked! It is safe to say everyone had a great time!

Pack 108 Blue and Gold Banquet
Pack 125 Blue and Gold Banquet special visitor

Lord BendPowl showed up to Pack 125's Blue and Gold Banquet. You may recognize him as our exceptional district scribe!

Pack 125 Blue and Gold Banquet

Welcome, Benjamin!

Benjamin Keaveny, of Pack 100, Mason School, is a second year Webelos. He and his Webelos II Den Leader, Kevin Keaveny (his dad), have been visiting Troop 4 meetings. Benjamin will be crossing over 04/23/2019 to Troop 4 along with Pack 4 Webelos II Scouts.

Troop 4 is looking forward to having a Pack 100 Scout crossover. A Scout coming from a Pack other than Pack 4 will bring a different perspective and Scouting experience.

Welcome Scout Benjamin and Leader Kevin Keaveny!

Thank you

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end


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