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Sakaramenta 10 years! A visual overview

10 years

I still remember the day 11 years ago that I met Peter Meijer, who was doing a market research here in Blantyre, Malawi to start a Bicycle Cart Factory . And look now, Sakaramenta celebrates it's 10th anniversary as a stable social enterprise, designing and producing great products. Not only making a collection of carts, but also playground equipment, hospital furniture and assembling bicycles.

In the 10 years time we operate as a social businesses no dividend has been paid to shareholders. We are running the business without funds or subsidies. We make just make each year a modest profit to stay sustainable, so we can make great products for our customers, create employment for about 30 people and improve the lives of many others.

In this great visual update, you can read about the successes and failures of the last 10 years. Hick ups have been there, like a 200% devaluation of the local currency, ongoing electricity blackouts, products that didn't sell. But despite all these the company has grown, is well established, and it's fulfilling it's objection to add to the manufacturing base and economy of Malawi and provide employment.

Thanks and enjoy!

Jan Jaap Sonke, Managing Director Sakaramenta




494 hospital furniture produced

749 playground equipment produced

2,308 carts produced

7,410 bicycles assembled

45 new products developed

26 employees are hired for the last 10 years

97% of the staff is Malawian

$514,000 of salaries have been paid in the last 10 years

62,500 lunches have been served to the staff

42,000 meters of steel pipes have been bended, welded and painted into great products

Total product sales is $2,200,000 in 10 years

No dividend has been paid to the shareholders, all profit is used for the staff and to create new products

Watch this great video, about our Care Collection


Liyaka Nchilamwela, former Director Sakarameta

"I see a company that has a mission to bring solutions to outstanding demands and needs of the people and organizations in Malawi"

Luc van Hoeckel (Super Local), designer of the Play and Care Collection of Sakaramenta

"Untamed creativity, dancing workmen and unforgettable moments"

Dirk Kam, first investor in Sakaramenta

"When I think of Sakaramenta: I think of the extremely energetic, driven and cheerful Peter Meijer who cycled in on a bicycle with a cart behind it on the final investor pitch of the BidNetwork 2008. This performance was decisive for me. I had my doubts about the business case, but certainly not about the person, and that was the deciding factor"

Everlisto Saidi, first employee

"Sakaramenta is my life, I am the first employee. Thanks to Sakaramenta I could buy land and build my own house"

Be van der Weide, (T4T), first and biggest customer of Sakaramenta

"Our partner on bicycle ambulances for Malawi and Zambia since 2009. We are looking forward to a successful future with Sakaramenta and all employees who made our mission possible"

Sam van Veluw, product designer of the CareCar

"A great time; bending, welding and sawing the first products in a hot, half-decorated workshop. Thereafter testing it on the bumpy, unpaved roads of Blantyre"

Sakaramenta: perhaps the first social business in Malawi

-Article by Marc van der Sterren, March 2019-

‘You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to start a business. I’m going to make bicycle carts, here in Malawi’, said Peter Meijer to his cousin Sam van Veluw. To which Sam said: ‘It’s in the middle of the night dude! Let me sleep.’ This was in 2007 during a trip of six months......

Thanks to our customers

And special thanks to Elise Hoogenraad, Wouter Verelst, Bid Network, Dirk Kam, Sam van Veluw, Be van der Weide, Liyaka Nchilamwela, Luc van Hoeckel, Pim van Baarsen, Sander van Dooren, Frans Meijer, Newton Kambala, Daan Wubben and Alfred Elbertse. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, THANKS TO ALL STAFF MEMBERS OF SAKARAMENTA

This was our overview of 10 years of Sakaramenta. Let's keep in touch!

Created By
Peter Meijer


(c)Copyright Sakaramenta 2019
