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Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin Student newsletter | October 7, 2020

Welcome to the another issue of Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin!

Welcome to the fifteenth issue of Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin. Each month, we will focus on an Indigenous language in our region. This month, we are focusing on the Gitxsan language, and using Gitxsanimx words throughout.

Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin means "it's good for you to stay home" in Nisga'a. In Gitxsanimx, we say Xhla wansim! Stay home! Guuxw ama gyaatxwsim take care of yourselves.

Time has gone by so fast, we are already in the month of Lasa Sinlaaxw (October). Classes have been in session for the last month, so no doubt you are very busy with your online classes and doing assignments. It can be a very stressful time for you. If you are struggling to keep up - don’t give up, keep going and you will get there. Feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance. We are here for you! We will do our best to support you every step of your educational journey.

It is also important to find balance in your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Connect with family! Connect to the lax yip (territory)! Take some time to just be mindful of the beautiful space we live in. It will rejuvenate you. We hope you enjoy this edition that focuses on the laxyip (territory) and all that it has to offer.

We send our prayers to the community of Witset who have had cases of COVID. Please stay safe, stick to six in your bubble, keep your physical distance from people outside your bubble, wear a mask while shopping, use hand sanitizer, and keep washing your hands. We will get through this together. Above all: be kind to one another!

Enjoy, Take care, and Stay Safe!

Jillian Stephens, Terrace

Veronica Waechter, Terrace

Sharon Oskey, Prince Rupert

Kellie Nyce, Hazelton

Katie Humphrey, Smithers

Left to right: Veronica Waechter, Jillian Stephens, Kellie Nyce, Katie Humphrey & Sharon Oskey

Upcoming Events

Door Prizes! Door Prizes! Door Prizes!

Join details for Brown Bag Lunches Presentations: The Orange Shirt Story by Phyllis Webstad

Connection is Indigenous: Virtual Drop-in

First Nations Access Coordinators would like to virtually connect with Indigenous students to see how you are doing with the start of the Fall 2020. Please let us know if you are having issues! Our goal is to help students have a successful term. Learn about study tips, CMTN Bursaries available and about upcoming virtual cultural activities with this special drop-in session. For more info, contact

Date: October 8th, 2020

Time: 12pm to 1pm

Poppy Pin Beading Workshop

Join Shalane Pauls of Wise Woman Creations for this special virtual workshop to learn how to make your own beaded poppy! Limited space; register soon to save your seat!

Date: October 14th and 21st, 2020

Time: 10am to 2pm

Please email to register. Registration comes with a beading kit and link to join the virtual event. Kits distributed at each campus.

Image captured in Pinterest

What Would Ts'iits' Do?

Ts’iits’ would say now that it is Xwsit Fall and Lasa Sinlaaxw October, the weather is changing. Hla saxhl laxha It is getting cold out. Hla saxhl gyalk It is cold outside. Hla alks dim dip hixhooxhl xts’ayim gwidatsim We will soon be wearing our heavier jackets/coats. Hla alks ja saabakhl kuuhl The year is coming to an end. With the maadim winter coming, some family members are going out to the spagyat gan forest to get wood or hunt xadaa moose. Ts’iits’ would want you to be careful if you go out. She would ask “N’da dim wil yin?” Where are you going? Naa dim stilin? Who are you going with? Dim guxs ama gya’atxw nisiim. You look after yourselves.

Ha'miyaa to Sadie Harris for sharing parts of the Gitxsan language with us. With Halloween around the corner, we challenge you to practice these Gitxsanimx words!

Baasw afraid

T’uuts’ xwa duus black cat

Swee das candy

A yukxws dress up

Tsaa gyuksxw frightened

Luu lak ghost

Hii luulak ghosts

Gwe’ehl goody bag

An sig yast’ graveyard

Hloxs sim axxw moon

Lasa xsin laaxw October

Hahl mas’y orange (colour)

Siba luulak skeleton

Halloween words found from Gitxsan Language Resource! This website focuses on making Gitxsanimx resources more accessible for Gitxsan language learners. Gitxsan words also found in Gitxsan Language Books & resources including "The Gitsanimx Teacher" by Dr. M. Jane Smith (Xiwis).

The "Mein" Event

We all know. We know as soon as you walk in the door when someone is cooking chow mein for dinner. Now, you don't have to wait for that moment and learn how to make this moose mein dish at home!

Jarred Moose Meat Photo courtesy of FNAC Kellie Nyce
  • 2 pints or 1 quart of jarred moose meat
  • 1 onion – diced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Splash of soya sauce
  • 2 large bags of steam fried Farkay chow mein noodles

Put your moose in a large pot and heat. Break up the meat then add onions, salt, and pepper and soya sauce. Stirring occasionally until everything is heated through and onions cooked. Add chow mein noodles with a little water, put on lid and steam. Stirring occasionally until the chow mein noodles are soft. May need to add oil, water, or soya sauce so it doesn’t get too dry. Enjoy!

Are you interested in learning more about traditional food and harvesting? Learn more with First Nations Health Authority and read their fact sheet with brief information about the Northwest goodness.

Chow n' Chill

We know waiting for your chow mein to steam is a long wait! Check out these fun activities to try with your family and friends!

Need the moose for your mein? Trying singing this hunting song!

Si satxw ni'y wil hlaa yukw dim sa yee'y, Hlaa yukw dim si linasxw'y go'ohl sga'nist. Laks ni'y ahl hu'ums. Wok ni'y lax jahl lakxw, Nee di yookxw'y, naahlx ni'y Ii gus sa yee'y.

I practice good luck before I go, hunting on the mountain. I bathed in devil's club. I slept around the fireplace. I didn't eat, I fasted then I went off.

Hunting song found from Gitxsan Language Resource! This website focuses on making Gitxsanimx resources more accessible for Gitxsan language learners. Gitxsan words also found in Gitxsan Language Books & resources including "The Gitsanimx Teacher" by Dr. M. Jane Smith (Xiwis).

Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

Show us your pumpkin and your halloween decorations! Send pictures to!

Indigenous in Media

MOB BOUNCE is Craig Frank Edes aka The Northwest Kid (Gitxsan) and Travis Hebert aka EarthChild (Cree/Metis). They grew up in Northern BC and bonded over their love of hip hop. Mob Bounce was officially born with the release of their Mixed Blood Mixtape and since then, they’ve collected three nominations at the Indigenous Music Awards and shared stage with Buffy Sainte-Marie.

Follow Mob Bounce on:

FREE book! Faces in the forest : First Nations art created on living trees by Michael D. Blackstock (2001). In Faces in the Forest Michael Blackstock, a forester and an artist, takes us into the sacred forest, revealing the mysteries of carvings, paintings, and writings done on living trees by First Nations people. Blackstock details this rare art form through oral histories related by the Elders, blending spiritual and academic perspectives on Native art, cultural geography, and traditional ecological knowledge. Faces in the Forest begins with a review of First Nations cosmology and the historical references to tree art. Blackstock then takes us on a metaphorical journey along the remnants of trading and trapping trails to tree art sites in the Gitxsan, Nisga'a, Tlingit, Carrier, and Dene traditional territories, before concluding with reflections on the function and meaning of tree art, its role within First Nations cosmology, and the need for greater respect for all of our natural resources. This fascinating study of a haunting and little-known cultural phenomenon helps us to see our forests with new eye.

Photo captured from CMTN Library

Available through the CMTN Library and BC Libraries Catalogue online.

Your weekly meme

Meme captured from Pinterest

Self-Care is Essential

We know self-care can take the back burner during semester starts! We want to make sure that you are still taking time to decompress and breath. Try this new colouring sheet released by Michelle Stoney, Gtixsan Artist!

This image and a copy of the sheet can be found at Michelle Stoney, Gitxsan Artist on Facebook!

While you're colouring is a great opportunity to reflect about the recent Orange Shirt Day! Colouring has many great benefits for our mental, emotional, and intellectual health. Learn more about those benefits HERE!

Don't forget about Wellness Bingo! The second card is still available and so is the prize! Contact your local FNAC for a card and work on getting the BINGO! If you are the first to get a bingo, you could win $50 for the campus store!

On-Campus Safety Guidelines

Due to our COVID-19 response, things look a bit different this year at CMTN. Take a tour of our Terrace campus to learn more about how what kinds of changes to expect this year if you need to visit any of our campuses for the practical training component of your program.


We have a No Visitors Policy. Access is granted to staff, students and others upon special approval.

Some of the changes we have implemented include:

  • Limited face-to-face activities: Only approved face-to-face activities will take place on CMTN campuses this academic year.
  • Self-assessments: How are you feeling? Only come to campus if you are healthy and not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Wash your hands. People are encouraged to wash hands with soap and water frequently, particularly before and after entering new spaces.
  • Physical distancing. Stay 6 feet - or ONE MOOSE - apart.
  • Face coverings are strongly encouraged. CMTN strongly encourages the use of face coverings while on campus. It is recommended that they be worn when indoors, and in any circumstance where safe and consistent physical distancing is not possible.

Find more information HERE on our website or you can connect through

If you are needing assistance with MyCMTN, Brightspace or other IT related issues, please contact the above email or phone. You can also visit the CMTN website for information on IT Services.

Student support

Golnoosh Namazi, Organiser for the Coast Mountain Students’ Union, is here to support students with events, services, and advocacy. If you’re having trouble understanding your rights as a student, navigating through school procedures and policies, or engaging in campus life, the Students’ Union is here to support you. We want to hear from you! To learn more about what we’re here for or just to say hello, email us at or visit our website:

Are you facing challenges with lack of equipment or support? Contact your local FNAC and ask about the Indigenous Wellness Assistance Fund and the Lending Library.

Wondering about bursaries? Check out the CMTN FInancial Aid page to find out more about upcoming awards and bursaries. There are over 35 bursaries and awards that are open for applications right now. Make sure to apply before deadline: October 30th. Bursaries like: Alma Van Dusen Bursary, Dr. Jacob McKay Award, and more! Contact your local FNAC for more information!

Are you interested in tutoring? The FNACs want to hear from you! We are calling for interest for any tutors who may be interested in peer-to-peer tutoring for the 2020 Fall semester. This will be a paid position based on hours provided. Contact your local FNAC if you're interested!

Mental Health Check-in

Are you needing support in the Hazelton Area? Check out this local community program: Northern Health Mental Health Substance Use Services

  • #70 - 2510 Highway 62, Hazelton, BC, V0J 1Y0
  • Hours of Operation: M-F, 8:30am - 4:30pm
  • Phone: 250-842-5144 / Fax: 250-842-2179
  • After Hours or Emergency, please call Wrinch Memorial Hospital: 250-842-5211
  • 24hr Crisis Line: 1-888-562-1214
  • 1-800-SUICIDE/1-800-784-2433

The Mental Health & Substance Use community programs offer services that include a combination of functions with Interprofessional teams, as well as some specialty services, i.e. Developmental Disabilities Mental Health (DDMH), Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), etc. Youth addictions counselling and referral, elderly services counselling, early psychosis, eating disorders, vocational and recreation rehabilitation is also available at most community programs. Community programs provide assessment, treatment and referrals for adults.

Services include:

  • Intake
  • Crisis Response
  • Short Term Counselling (individual, family, group)
  • Longer Term Case Management
  • Provides Life Skills support for activities of daily living
  • Medication management
  • Psycho-educational groups
  • Education
  • Psychiatric consultation
  • Naloxone training and Take Home Naloxone Kit distribution
  • Harm Reduction Supplies

Foundry BC is now offering virtual drop-in counselling for young people ages 12-24 and their families. To access this service, call 1-833-FØUNDRY (yes, that’s FØUNDRY with a zero! or 1-833-308-6379) to book an appointment. Sessions available through chat, voice-only calls or video calls.

Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to FREE, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web.

The Keep Me Safe program is available 24/7 through multiple formats (call, chat, email and videoconference) for you! Go to for more info.

Other resources you can reach out to:

Youth Online Chat at or text 250.564.8336 or call 1.888.564.8336. A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth. Available 24/7.

Northern BC Crisis Line A safe, confidential and non-judgmental crisis line to discuss anything troubling you available 24/7. Call 1.888.562.1214.

BC Suicide Line 1.800.SUICIDE or 1.800.784.2433. If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may, please call! Available 24/7.

The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their Residential school experience. Call 1.866.925.4419.

COVID-19 updates & FAQs

At Coast Mountain College we monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. For updates and FAQs please visit our website here.

Visit for more information.

Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?

Feedback, story ideas or pictures to share? Contact us:

Connect with us!


