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Makeup: An Unrecognized Art Form Photos & story by Niah Hart

Art is defined as, “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power” by Oxford Languages.

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However, makeup isn’t always considered to be an art form. It can be viewed as superficial, fake, misleading and many other negative connotations that come with it. For a long time and still some today, it is thought of as vain to sit in front of a mirror making yourself up to be something you’re “not”. Some will even go as far as to call it cat-fishing, which for the topic of makeup essentially means making yourself up to the point of making your natural, bare face unrecognizable.

For makeup artists and enthusiasts, however, playing with different brushes, colors and techniques is their form of expression, therapy, career, and so much more than just what you see from the outside.

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Referring back to the definition of art, “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination…” could refer to a variety of different art forms, including makeup. It takes time, skill, and an innovative mind to create different looks with eye shadows, loose pigment, lipstick, and more. Recreating characters or developing something completely new is just as creative as a painting or sculpture; the only difference is that with makeup the canvas is one’s face.

Drag entertainer, The Bombshell Monroe (@thebombshellmonroe on Instagram, used with permission)

"Well honestly, it's an outlet, whatever I feel I can convey through the art. It's the one thing that is different every single time I create. The freedom of that is one of the best feelings to ever have," says drag entertainer The Bombshell Monroe when asked about how makeup makes him feel.

The art goes beyond just the amazing looks being created, though. For many, makeup and the process of putting it on can have a deeper and more personal meaning. “…it is not just the skill and difficulty of makeup as a craft that makes it an art form worthy of complete respect, it is its scope for emotion and expressionism”, explains Olivia Fleming from Redbrick. This means it can be a way for people to express themselves in a more imaginative way, a place for them to go when they may need to escape the real world, or even something that helps them get through the lows of life.

TV series Glow Up is a competition for professional makeup artists to have the chance to win a contract to assist top leaders in the makeup industry. Season 1 contestant of Glow Up discussed this during her time on the show, “Makeup got me out of bed…it brought me out of my darkest days”.

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For those who think users of makeup are trying to hide something, it can actually be quite the opposite more times than not. Getting dolled up can help one’s confidence and even enhance the natural beauty they already possess. Drag queen, Simone Pereda, shares more about this with Makena Huey from Pepperdine University, stating, “I’m confident more when I am wearing it and it’s not because I feel less adequate or anything when I’m not wearing it. I just know I act more like myself and I feel more like myself when I do wear makeup”. So, because makeup is a form of expression, it can help people portray a truer version of themselves to those around them.

Juvia's Place I Am Magic Foundation

In addition to being an escape, form of expression and boosting confidence, applying makeup and using one’s own face as a blank canvas is simply fun and can even relieve anxiety. Blending an array of bright colors, adding prosthetics to create completely different features, starting with one look and ending with something amazingly creative and different—it can all bring so much joy to the artist. Teen Vogue goes more in-depth about this, finding that, “…most cognitive behavioral therapy patients are taught to do something either productive or pleasurable when they notice themselves getting stuck in feedback loops.”That can and does include makeup for some people struggling with anxiety and/or depression. Doing one’s makeup can provide a sense of control and routine that eases that overthinking and feeling of despair.

Overall, makeup is more than just pretty people sitting in the mirror aiming to be even prettier. It can have psychological benefits by relieving stress and anxiety, provide people with a way to express themselves creatively, and boost one’s confidence and self-esteem. Hopefully, as more people become involved in the makeup industry, the more it will be respected and recognized as the true art that it is. Makeup is art.
