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Emma Jaeke Riverwood Bakery

Riverwood Bakery warmed up Red Cloud by opening on the coldest day in recent memory: February 15, 2021. Emma makes a wide variety of scrumptious baked goods. She sells individual items and makes special orders.

Emma Jaeke hails from Omaha, but lived in Lincoln for a few years after the birth of her son, Hudson. Jaeke became a preschool para after moving to Red Cloud in 2019--it was a job she and felt that it was also a really cool way to get introduced to the community and get to know people. Jaeke has owned and operated Riverwood Bakery out of her home kitchen but recently opened up a storefront at 309 N. Webster St. in downtown Red Cloud. Riverwood Bakery's storefront is open from 10am to 6pm on Thursdays & Fridays and 10am to 2pm on Saturdays & Sundays. Contact Emma (see below) for special orders outside of regular business hours.

What is your favorite thing about Red Cloud?

Red Cloud is a safe place with a slower pace of life. The other day I left my purse at the park, and hours later when I found it, my wallet was untouched! I love that there is never any traffic, and that I feel comfortable enough to let my son walk to a nearby friend's house and know he’ll be safe. I like participating in the small town finger wave as you drive past another car. And the cows!

But my all time favorite thing was meeting my best friend Joanna! I couldn't imagine doing what I'm doing without her constant help, encouragement, and advice. The amount of dishes she has cleaned for me deserves its own shout out ;)

You moved to Red Cloud in 2019. What made you decide to take a chance on Red Cloud?

I wasn't allowed much creative freedom at the bakery I was working in, and I had learned all there was to learn in that position. I knew I wanted to pursue this as a career and wanted to see where this passion for baking could take me. My lease was up at the apartment I was living in, which spurred me to start broadening my horizons as to where I wanted to live. The house I now own was staged like Joanna Gaines could be baking cookies in this oven. I decided I couldn't go on knowing that that kitchen wasn't mine.

I love On The Brix. They have always been super supportive and gave and continue to give me so many opportunities to help build my business and customer base. Ana's always including me in community events and promoting my stuff and I can't thank her enough.
Jaeke makes a wide array of baked goods--including a variety of kolaches. Kolaches are a pastry with Czech origins and were popular among many of Webster County's earliest settlers.

What are some of your favorite businesses to shop at in Red Cloud? Why?

I love On The Brix. They have always been super supportive and gave and continue to give me so many opportunities to help build my business and customer base. Ana's always including me in community events and promoting my stuff and I can't thank her enough. They have a special place in my heart. I should go into Village Pharmacy more often: they always have so many cute things that I didn't even know I needed!

What’s the last show you binge-watched? What do you like about it?

Hudson and I are currently nerding out to Naruto. My attention span doesn't always allow me to finish series, but I recently watched Queens Gambit and loved it!

Jaeke makes special orders, including beautiful cakes like this one. Cinnamon rolls, pecan rolls, oatmeal creme pie cookies, and macaroons are just a few of her specialties.
I wasn't allowed much creative freedom at the bakery I was working in previously, and I had learned all there was to learn in that position. I knew I wanted to pursue baking as a career and wanted to see where my passion could take me.

If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

Something to do with dishes magically being clean. Can that count as a superpower? If not, I choose being able to fly.

Hudson's superpower would be to control things with his mind!

Jaeke helping a customer find just the right item

Do you have any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

Baking used to be my hobby...but maybe now browsing Pinterest to see what I want to try next is my new hobby.

Do you have any pets?

We have a 7 year old puppy named Luna. She's some kind of fancy Yorkie. She moved to RC when my mom decided to get a Labradoodle--Luna wasn't a fan of her new roommate. She probably weighs 5 pounds wet. She's a hot mess and we love her

You just opened Riverwood Bakery on Feb. 15th? How’s it going? What would you like the community and visitors to know about your business?

I have worked in food service forever and I'm a Leo, so I came in hot thinking: "I got this!" Now I’m a bit more humble, and understand what it entails and am praising all managers/ store owners for the hard work they put into their businesses.

It's been amazing though. I learn so much each day. I'm thankful RC welcomed a bakery with open arms and is giving me the business I need to be able to keep it going.

I also love experimenting and trying to master new skills when it comes to baking. I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure on the Great British Baking Show, but the way those people can bake anything and everything is my ultimate goal!

Jaeke's baking talents are diverse, as evidenced by this sampling of some of her work
I hope more and more young people start looking at small towns as an option for their 1st home, as a place to start their own businesses, or as somewhere they can become financially independent. I wouldn't have been able to succeed like I have without community support, simple living, and affordability. Small towns have so much opportunity and more to offer than meets the eye.

What are you most proud of?

My son! He will always be my greatest accomplishment. But I'm also proud of myself (there's that Leo again!). It's been really cool to see something that started out as a dream become my reality. I never thought by the time I was 26 I would have a storefront and be struggling to keep up with the amount of customers & orders I have now. And I'm grateful for it! I can't wait to see the progress a year from now.

Before Riverwood Bakery opened we never knew how much we needed Fruity Pebble Macaroons in our lives

Do you have a mantra or mission statement you live by?

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better" - Maya Angelou

Do you have any advice for someone looking to relocate to rural Nebraska?

I hope more and more young people start looking at small towns as an option for their 1st home, to start businesses, or become financially independent. I wouldn't have been able to succeed like I have without community support, simple living, and affordability. Small towns have so much opportunity and more to offer than meets the eye.

In addition to the sweet stuff, Jaeke makes a variety of breads and is contemplating venturing into making quiches and other brunch related items

What is your favorite song and/or recording artist?

Right now, I'm jamming to Glass Animals, KAMAUU, Alabama Shakes & Tobi Lou. But Bon Iver could be playing as constant background music for the rest of my life and I wouldn't be mad about it.

What is your dream vacation?

Vermont is probably my favorite place. I also want to visit Oregon someday. But at this exact moment, I want an all inclusive vacation somewhere warm with endless margaritas and guacamole.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Explain why.

My grandparents, my mom, and my son. I wish my grandparents could have seen me open this bakery--they would be so proud of how far I've come. My mom is proud, my biggest cheerleader, and always has a shoulder for me to cry on and a warm meal waiting for me. My son is the coolest person I know and inspires me every day to focus on the good, keep a kind heart, ask questions, and appreciate the time were given.

Jaeke and her son, Hudson at Riverwood Bakery!


Emma Jaeke * Jarrod McCartney