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Boys XC win Regionals to secure spot in State meet BY RIley Vining

RUNNERS ON YOUR MARK: The cross country team lines up as the race begins momentarily (photo by Riley Vining).


Grand Haven competed in the regional meet on Oct. 30. The Bucs took first place overall in the meet beating out Rockford, Lowel and others for the top spot. The boys won with a total of 63 points, beating Rockford by 12.

STAYING STRONG: Freshman Ben Held keeps his opponent at bay during the second mile of the course (photo by Riley Vining).


The Bucs sustain their third-place rank in the state, as they challenge the best of the best in their next meet.

BREAKING AWAY: Senior Ben Pease leaves his pack while rounding a turn (photo by Riley Vining).

HEAD OF THE PACK: Junior Nolan Clark and Sophmore Seth Norder sticking in the top four places rounding the second turn (photo by Riley Vining).


  • Junior captain Nolan Clark was awarded All-Region. He came in fourth overall at the meet with a time of 15:57.
  • Sophomore Seth Norder took first place in the region setting a new school record with a time of 15:24.


  • “We won,” coach John Tarr said. “That’s pretty remarkable considering we have a lot of good teams in the region. All the guys ran really great, we won our fourth Regional Championship in the last eight years. They just ran a great race today.”
  • “We came out here and did what we’ve been doing all season,” senior captain John Tysman said. “We approached it like a normal race, not getting too psyched up about it, we just approached it like normal.”

STRONGER TOGETHER: Freshman Ben Held and Junior Logan Vining run side by side while rounding the final turn (photo by Riley Vining).

SPEEDING BY: Sophmore Seth Norder runs blazing past at the front of his group (photo by Riley Vining).


The team will compete at the state meet on Nov. 6 at the Michigan international speedway in Brooklyn Michigan.

VICTORS: The Grand Haven XC team poses with the regional championship trophy (photo by Riley Vining).