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Winter Report to HSSC December 15, 2018 | Communications Report

Welcome to BOE Student Member: David Texeira of Kauai High

Student Member Texeira is the first student from Kauai to serve on the board.

2018-2019 Hawaii State Student Council selects new members of the executive board.

Kara Yoshiyama, Chairperson

Children and Youth Summit 2018

October 12, 2018 | Photo Location: Office of the Lieutenant Governor

Superintendent Kishimoto's Visit with HSSC

Superintendent Kishimoto's visit to the October 2018 council meeting was an opportunity for HSSC to share their perspective on a computer science conference to be held in early June 2019. This opportunity would include over 1000+ educators with students being part of the conference.

October 20, 2018

Unity Day 2018

October 24, 2018

Design Thinking Workshop: Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation

On October 20, 2018 - over 100 student leaders gathered at the DOE Office of Curriculum and Instructional Design for a design thinking workshop sponsored by the Public Schools of Hawaii Foundation. This was an opportunity for students to learn about the process and its importance.

Student Leadership Workshop: Mr. Ed Gerety

With the support of the DOE Office of Driver and Traffic Safety Education, we were able to welcome national leadership speaker, Mr. Ed Gerety to Hawaii for a student leadership workshop. Mr. Gerety spoke to a crowd of over 150+ student leaders at the Pagoda Hotel on the importance of gratitude and service.

iTEaCH Conference 2018

The hawaii state department of education is a powerhouse of innovation.


Created with an image by Daria-Yakovleva - "christmas new year's eve postcard"


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