Geography Research
Students in Geography classes researched conflict minerals while learning about evaluating sources and efficient note-taking. Students also engaged in interesting discussions about the conflict minerals in cell phones and students examined their ability to feel empathy for the people that work in the mines and factories responsible for cell phones.
ELA 11
Students in Mrs. Williams' ELA 11 classes worked through the skills necessary to turn their research notes into actual paragraphs in their research papers. They combined their notes with analytical thinking and citing sources to complete their papers. Students reported that this process with the librarians was extremely helpful.
Library Paraprofessional
We recently learned that the position of our library paraprofessional, Mrs. Murphy, was removed for the next school year. We really have no idea how the library will continue to function efficiently without her. She does so much for our students, always has a smile and kind face for them, and does so much work to make the library feel welcoming and comfortable. She will be greatly missed.
As students began using their newly learned evaluation and note-taking skills, they combined them with their map skills to draw inferences about the geography of Africa. This unit allowed students to make connections between their previous learning and their new skills to create PSAs about issues in Africa.
AP Test Resources
As students really started spending more time on their own preparing for AP Exams, librarians visited every AP class to remind students of the resources provided by our library. Students have access to Gale's Testing and Education Reference Center as well as Learning Express Library. Both resources provide practice tests for students to work through as well as flash cards and other study resources.
Ceramics 3D Design
Our 3rd collaboration of the month with all 4 geography classes had students working in small groups to establish the roles of indigenous people, activists, farmers, and government leaders in deforestation. Students read and took notes in small groups and then convinced members of their own table groups how the roles differed. So much growth was seen from all of these students through these 3 collaborative units.
Created with images by Hermann - "book education school" • Firmbee - "office flowers apple" • WikiImages - "africa continent map of africa" • GregMontani - "jungle fog trees"