Welcome to the first issue of Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin 'it's good for you to stay at home' (Nisga'a language).
Connection is Indigenous. This is a newsletter dedicated to staying connected in these unprecedented times. While we may not be able to stay connected physically, we can adjust for now by connecting VIRTUALLY.
We want to keep supporting you as you adjust to life in isolation. We also want to express how happy we are that you are safe at home and that new, innovative changes are happening for you. We want to be a part of that by offering you options for stay-at-home learning, entertainment, updates, and more!
If you have something great to share that you have come across or tried, please feel free to share those with us and you might be included in our next newsletter.
Enjoy, take care, and stay safe.
Jillian Stephens, Terrace jstephens@coastmountaincollege.ca
Veronica Waechter, Terrace vwaechter@coastmountaincollege.ca
Sharon Oskey, Prince Rupert soskey@coastmountaincollege.ca
Kellie Nyce, Hazelton knyce@coastmountaincollege.ca
Katie Humphrey, Smithers khumphrey@coastmountaincollege.ca
What would Ji'its do?
Our newsletter name was inspired by a Facebook post asking, in these unprecedented times, “What Would Ji’its Do?”
Ji’its would tell you Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin, it’s good for you to stay at home. Ji’its would send you a box of grease, fresh baked t’sal, cold potatoes, and berry jam, leave it on your doorstep, with a little note that says: Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin.
Ji’its would give you call on the VHF or phone and ask what you’re doing. Then she would end the call with: Aam ji luu-x̱hln̓aa-t'aatgwin.
In these dire times, please listen to Ji’its. The Ji’its that you have with you today, the words that you can hear from the ones gone, or 'adopt' a Ji’its.
Pictured: Faith Wing (left) and Sandra Wesley (right) in December 2019 showing students how to weave cedar.
Bannock and then chill
I’ve made my bannock, now what?
Check out fun activities online like:
Michelle Stoney, Gitxsan artist, releases free designs for people to colour! You can print it or colour it virtually. Send it back to her and you might be entered into a free draw. Find the designs HERE!
There are some great FREE streaming organizations like National Film Board. This week, check out Peoples of the Skeena (14 minutes run-time). This short film from 1949 introduces us to the Gitxsan and Tsimshian First Nations of northern British Columbia. The peoples of the Skeena River exist in two worlds. Ancient totem poles tower against the mountains and the forests, old graveyards reveal fragments of shared history, and traditional crafts are still practiced on the reserves. But in the school games, in a wedding complete with white veil and white rice, and in the sawmill, we see how other ways of life are being adopted.
Check out 'Quarantine Concerts' Many artists are live-streaming free concerts to watch at home. This week check out Third Man Records. An independent record label owned by Jack White. Tune in every day at noon for free concerts from amazing artists.
Check out some Indigenous reads! Indigenous writes : a guide to First Nations, Metis & Inuit issues in Canada by Chelsea Vowel is an eBook that you can access through the CMTN Library here. You will need your network username and password to log-in. This book addresses fundamental issues such as culture and identity, myths, state violence, land, law and treaties and the social beliefs around these issues. This book is a conversation starter. Rated 5/5 by Jillian, “This book is a great and easy read. It’s candid and informative. Chelsea is talking yo you and explains a lot of topics about Indigenous peoples BY Indigenous peoples.” Check it out!
COVID-19 updates & FAQs
At Coast Mountain College we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. For updates and FAQs please visit our website here.
Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?
Feedback, story ideas or pictures to share? Contact us