I chose to include this photo in my portfolio because it was one of the first photos I took in this class and I think by showing the stickers it represents my personality. When I first signed up for photography I was really excited and this being one of the first photos I shot, I was really proud of it. Now looking back at it I know its not the best quality photo but I still wanted to include it. When viewers look at this photo, I want them to concentrate on the water bottle and the stickers that give you a sense of who I am, without even having to know me. The compositional element presented in this photo is shallow depth of field.
I captured this shot in the very beginning of the first quarter in the late morning during second period when we were able to use the camera's for one of the very first times individually. The class was given the assignment to pick any object and take multiple shallow and long depth of field photos. It took a lot of focus and some difficulties at first but eventually the photos came out like I wanted them. I was motivated to take these photos because I wanted to prove to my self that I could use what I learned during class and create a image that I would be comfortable sharing with others.
I decided to include this photo in my portfolio because my little sister loves to be the center of attention and when I told her I would take photos of her, it made her happy and benefitted me because so I could use them for my assignment. When viewers look at this photo I expect them to see the way the light it hitting her face to make her eyes pop. They may also notice the lines in the fence behind her that represent diagonal lines.
When I took this photo I wanted to capture the lines in the fence but also use the time of the day to my advantage to make her face and eyes stand out. I took this photo around four thirty which is considered golden hour. I purposely chose this time to go outside to take pictures because of the lighting. I was motivated to take good quality photos that could showcase my ability to take photos but also make my sister happy.
I chose to include this photo in my portfolio because the I thought the green background made the orange crayon pop. Also the picture is so in focused you can see my fingerprint on my finger which in my opinion, makes it a good photo to be represented in my portfoilio. This photo is personal to me because I really like how the picture turned out and it is one of the first photos I took. when the viewer looks at this photo I want them to see how anything, as simple as a crayon, could create a creative photo. The compositional element that was used in this photo was get up close.
I captured this photo during fourth period when the sun was shining down perfectly to create this photo. I decided to pick up the camera to take this photo because it was for an in class assignment when we had to get really close to the crayon and try to get the word on the crayon in focus.
I have chosen to include this photo in my portfolio because it represents one of the things I love to do. This photo shows some small paintings I have done in my sketch book during halloween time. It is personal to me because I really love to paint and express my self through it. When viewers look at this photo I want them to see the different painting and think about what each one means or represents. The compositional element used to take this photo was get up close.
The moment I decided to pick up my camera and take this photo is when I was thinking about what pictures I would want to take for this assignment, and what they mean to me. I tried to take more personal photos that showed what I liked and who I am other then just another student in photography class.
I chose to add this photo to my portfolio because I thought it represented the compositional element I was assigned to do and turned out I very unique photo. This photo is personal to me because it a picture of my little sister while we were in my backyard, right before she fell into the pool. I expect the viewers to see a simple photo of a girl not wanting to show her face but not knowing why. The compositional element I used when taking this photo leading lines.
I took this photo right after we got home from school, I was prompted to pick up the camera because It was a good time of day when the sun was out and I only needed one more photo for this specific assignment and thought this photo would fit in with the others. I was motivated to take this photo because the lines in the fence behind her represented leading lines and the light shining through the cracks made them stand out.
Ive chosen to include this photo is my portfolio because the photo means a lot to me personally and I think its a really unique photo. This photo is personal to me because it is my little brother pretending to fly and I think seeing someone get so happy over the simplest thing makes you want to feel the exact same way. When viewers look at this photo I want them to see the excitement and joy on my brothers face as he thinks, "This is how it feels to fly".
The compositional element I used in this photo was rule of thirds. The moment I took this photo was when I was sitting in the front seat of my moms car in front of Salida Middle School waiting for my little sister to get out of school. I decided to pick of my camera to take this photo when I saw my brothers head pop up beside me and was motivated to take a picture of the crazy things that go on during a simple day of my life.
This photo was chosen to be included in my portfolio because I think my friend looks beautiful in this photo and everyones face tells a story. This photo is personal to me because in this photo is one of my best friends Samantha, and she really means a lot to me. When viewers look at this photo I want them to look into her eyes and try to figure out the emotion of this photo not knowing her story. The compositional element used for this photo was get up close.
The moment I took this photo was at lunch during school, while we were outside sitting on a bench. I was prompted to pick up the camera and take this photo because the sun had just came out from behind the clouds and the light was hitting her face perfectly. I was motivated to take this photo because I take most of my pictures of objects and wanted to add some faces.
I chose to include this photo in my portfolio because its one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken and wanted other people to see it. This photo is personal to me because it is a picture of my little sister and overall I just love the picture and thought it turned out really nice. When viewers look at this photo I want them to see how the contrast makes the yellow blanket pop on top of the black background. In this photo I used the compositional element, contrast.
The moment in time when I took this photo was when me and my sister were jumping on the trampoline, the black background, and I told her to wrap her self in the blanket and lay flat on the trampoline. I was prompted to pick up the camera because I knew the two colors together created contrast. I was motivated to take this photo because I thought it was a good example of contrast and told a story by reading her facial expression.
I chose to include this photo in my portfolio because I thought the flowers around the m&m made it stand out and make the picture really pretty. I don't have much personal attachment to this photo, I just thought it was a really nice picture and I was really proud of it. when viewers look at this photo I expect their eye to go directly to the m&m but also the flowers that are surrounding it. The compositional element used in this photo was get up close.
The moment I took this photo was during class when we were assigned to take photos of something really simple, line an m&m and make them interesting. I was motivated to take this photo because there is so many beautiful flowers around the campus and I wanted them to be represented in these photos.
I chose to include this photo because the look on her face tells a story of what was going on during that exact minute, and how I captured it in this photo. This photo is personal to me because it was taken on Halloween of my best friend right before we took my younger siblings trick or treating. When the viewers look at this photo I expect them to notice the look on her face. The compositional element used in this photo was contrast.
The moment I took this photo was right before we went out trick or treating with my siblings. I was prompted to take this photo because my friend wanted me to take a photo of her to post on Instagram because she was a VSCO girl. Although It was never posted I thought it was a good picture. I was motivated to take this photo because standing against the dark fence made her light pink jacket to stand out.