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Elaine Reeder, Ph.D. Examples of student work and Personal Portfolio

I have been educating students for over 20 years and I have enjoyed every minute. Watching the lightbulb go on and seeing the excitement students have when they grasp an idea or design technique is what keeps me going. This site is a very small collection of student work as well as personal pieces. I believe my success is measured in my students' successes.

These examples are from a Digital Design Fundamentals course. Students were asked to redesign a poorly designed package.

Student Work - Package Design
Student Work - Package Design
Student Work - Package Design

The following examples are from a campaign project. Students were asked to select a state and create a campaign to attract visitors to the state, for a travel agency of their choice. The important component was to make sure that the design elements in the three pieces tied them together.

Student Work - Travel Campaign Mailer
Student Work - Travel Campaign Billboard
Student Work - Travel Campaign Commercial Storyboard

The follow are examples of a Garden Center project. Students were asked to photograph items that would be found in a garden center during the current season. They were required to feature a minimum of 14 items in the ad.

Student Work - Garden Center
Student Work - Garden Center

Other projects shown are from Digital Illustration, Computer Design I, and Web Design I classes.

Student Work - Billboard Design
Student Work - Digital Illustration
Student Work - Web Design

The following images are examples of my work.

Self-portrait - Digital Illustration
Grandma's House - Photo Manipulation
Playful Pixels - Photo Manipulation
Childhood Memories - Photo Manipulation + Pen & Ink
Personal Logo Design
Logo Design and VCU Learning Systems Academy Web page
Poster Design for SITE Conference
Rendering of a Winterthur Museum wallpaper design reproduced with color pencil and printed on plastic glasses for the Winterthur Museum and Garden Catalog
Redesign of VCU Blackboard Layout

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